Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

It is really all I can do not to hit the order button on this. I must stay away from it until next year. I must stay away.

It's all I can do to not hit the order button again!
Next year, or in a few months once I disperse this current group. Friends and neighbors have already claimed many of the chicks.

I'm keeping the silkies (want a broody), the Welsummer/Brown Leghorns and some of the barred birds. I'm tempted to keep the Naked Necks too. The rest seem to have homes they'll be heading to soon.
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My final count
38 chicks + 2 ducklings + 2 poults = 42 birds total!

4 Cochin
4 black chicks w/o head spots -- BSL pullets?
4 black chicks w/ head spots -- Barred Rocks, BSL cockerels?
4 Silkies (2 black, 2 white)
4 Silver Lakenvelders
4 red chipmunks -- Speckled Sussex/Welsummer/Brown Leghorn
2 Buff Orpingtons (I assume, fat buff birds)
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Golden Laced Polish
2 Mottled Houdan
2 Turken (1 black, 1 white)
2 Sicilian Buttercups
2 red chicks -- Production Red, New Hampshires?

2 Fawn Runners
2 BBW Turkey -- and we did lose one overnight, not sure why but not all that surprised

Black chick without spot:

Black Chicks with spots

Buff Orpingtons?

Red Chipmunks (and if all the same breed, I'm thinking 3 pullets, 1 cockerel)
I got my chicks this past Friday (3/12/13). I got 39 total. I'd say about half are cornish cross and red broilers. I did get about 8 polish though (White, Buff and Black). I got two turkeys which were both dead in the box. That was kind of disappointing. All the chickens are doing fine though and made the trip. I realize they can't honor requests but when I ordered I did ask for as many non-chickens as possible. Ironically, I ended up with only chikens.
I havent got the hatchery surprise ,but I have bought chicks from Cackle .Last yr. I ordered 5 old English Games (white ) and 15 White Rocks ,straight run .. They arrived in perfect condition ,and had 2 extra games ,and 2 extra White Wyandottes .(They sent the wyandottes ,instead of the white rocks ) That was O.K. with me ,as I had said it was ok to substitute the rocks .I only ordered them to reach the minimum order of 20 chicks .As it turned out , it was a great substitution .I still have 3 of the White wyandotte hens .I had to get rid of the rest ,because they were smothering me in eggs haha .They are great layers ,and I have raised over 50 chicks from them .They will set ,and are outstanding mothers. The white Old english made beautiful chickens ,true to their breed ,and good confirmation .I only keep them for show ,and admiration ,not fighting .
I got my chicks this past Friday (3/12/13). I got 39 total. I'd say about half are cornish cross and red broilers. I did get about 8 polish though (White, Buff and Black). I got two turkeys which were both dead in the box. That was kind of disappointing. All the chickens are doing fine though and made the trip. I realize they can't honor requests but when I ordered I did ask for as many non-chickens as possible. Ironically, I ended up with only chikens.

Sorry to hear about the poults! We lost one they sent us.

From the way it sounds, they accommodate requests when they are able. I'd actually have been quite happy to get meat chickens!

I'm still not sure what some of these chicks are. The ducks are cute but super annoying.
After looking through tons of catalogs and websites, I finally ordered the Hatchery Surprise. I can also give thanks to everyone on this thread for pushing me over the edge! They should be shipping out today and depending on how long they take, I will most likely be picking up on Friday. I'll be posting final count and pictures when I get them! Thanks everyone!
After looking through tons of catalogs and websites, I finally ordered the Hatchery Surprise. I can also give thanks to everyone on this thread for pushing me over the edge! They should be shipping out today and depending on how long they take, I will most likely be picking up on Friday. I'll be posting final count and pictures when I get them! Thanks everyone!
Yay! Pictures! :)
An update, 7 weeks later. I sold some before I id'ed them, so it's not a complete listing

I have 5 turkeys:
2 BB whites, I think they're both toms.
3 Narragansett turkeys, no clue on sex.

2 pekin ducks - I think its a pair, but really not sure.

of the generic looking chicks:

2 - cinnamon queens
2 - speckled sussex
4 - dominique
4 - black sexlink
5 - Buff Orps
3 - Red sexlink or cherry eggers.

For sure, the only roosters are the cochins, and possibly a Orp or two.

Mine arrived this morning! They sent 2 ducks, 8 turkeys and 32 chicks. One of the turkeys and one of the chicks didn't make it. Everything else looks pretty healthy. Looks like they sent everything in pairs! Of what I can ID:

4 white or royal palm turkeys (I don't know how to tell them apart, but my guess is they're whites)
4 (1 died) bronze or narragansett turkeys (again, my guess is the bronze)

2 pekin ducks

2 buttercups (1 died)
2 golden laced polish
2 white cochin
2 buff cochin

The rest are pretty generic looking. There are no silkies, but a couple of bantams.

I did the math - 2 pekin ducks, 4 white turkeys and 4 bronze turkeys alone cost $54.50, before shipping.

I'm thinking I like this assortment!
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I ordered Surprise Deal last Monday & waiting impatiently for my shipping date !!!!! Please keep the contents lists coming as will be interesting what everyone gets !!!!!

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