Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I'm waiting for mine to ship next Mon. It's not happening fast enough lol. And then in late May I get my call ducks, and Im not sure how I'm going to stay sane
Wow that's pretty good, back when I ordered my chicks from cackle I wanted to get this surprise assortment, but I didn't because I always thought they would just ship you all the unordered males. I'm glad I'm wrong and that they are not doing that.
Cackle does know how to retain their customers.
more pullets than cockerels overall. Usually pairs or all pullets within breeds.

I didn't have any double cockerels of the ones I kept.

2 German Spitz, pullets
2 Partridge Rocks, pullets
2 Turken, pullets
2 White Giants, pullet
2 Golden Laced Polish, pullet/cockerel
2 Silver Laced Polish, pullet/cockerel
1 Buttercup, pullet (the other was the only chick we lost from our first surprise)

I sold the rest before they matured.

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