Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?


Here's another shot - those little ones move too much
Turkey poults will not have a naked neck--Turkens do have naked necks as chicks. Turkey poults will have a little knob instead of a comb, and they don't start off much/any bigger than chicks. I think they sound like they're singing.
I didn't see your response before I responded. I got some of them! Read they do not like to be confined long termed. Have you had any issues so far?
I didn't see your response before I responded. I got some of them! Read they do not like to be confined long termed. Have you had any issues so far?
We had one last year, we kept her until she was about 6 months old. She was VERY standoffish from us. We forgot 90% of the time we had her until head count. She hid well, was super fast and more like a wild bird that followed the group in at night.

That being said, she was beautiful. I've read that other people have had them and they were friendly and pet like. We did let our group free range during the day, so I'm not sure how she would have been in confinement but she did go into the coop at night with the main part of the flock. We also never found her roosting in high areas, our Polish and German Spitz on the other hand LOVED high places and had to be 'put to bed' each night.

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