Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I certainly hope they are! You will enjoy them. I have two that I got previously and they are absolutely gorgeous! Lol. I'm very excited to see the silver laced Cochin will turn out.
I got a pair of turkeys in my surprise this year and I'm glad I got two --- but then I named them Thanksgiving and Christmas.

My two turkeys don't necessary huddle together but more mingle with the general chicken population. I got two of them, one significantly bigger than the other (although clearly the same breed) so I figure I have a male and female. They have feathered out white.
Ok I guess I should have stated my question differently. Since I have just one turkey do I need to get another one to keep it company
The one little turkey we have is interacting well with the ducks and chicks, but the hubsters is worried it is going to grow up and bully the other birds and be lonely. The turkey named pilgrim is very personable - he likes eating from our hand and sit in our lap.
Ok I guess I should have stated my question differently. Since I have just one turkey do I need to get another one to keep it company

I got two turkeys last year, but one died shortly upon arrival. The single turkey did fine living with three silkies and a Houdan cockerel that also came in the surprise. I processed him at 14-weeks or so.

I would not keep a single turkey beyond maturity. I recently sold my last heritage hen to somebody with a single tom. Both birds were quite lonely and chickens didn't really seem to fulfill their need for socialization. Both birds seem significantly happier with their new arrangement.
Awe. I think we have a processing turkey. Tempted to order a set of the heritage ones so they don't have to be processed as soon.

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