Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I'm going crazy, mine are 5 weeks on Monday. I am starting to figure out I have a few brahmas, and definitely Columbian Wyandotte's. I have some white chickens with grey eyeliner I call it.
A lot of Cochin's, one of which has a half crushed foot, so he hops, it happened when he was a week old.
He seems to be doing very well despite his handicap.
But I sure do have a lot, I love watching them, then think "what was I think!"

Have you tried a brace type thing on its foot? It would probably only have to stay on 3-4 days and it would greatly help the chick. It would flatten the foot out and straighten it up.
We lost one of the WBC polish chicks yesterday. I saw it was weak and had a little head bob/wobble when it was disturbed. It didn't seem to have enough energy to lift it's head. I checked it's crop and it was firm. So, I did some research here on BYC and found similar posts about wry neck and to treat with electrolytes. I made a small batch of electrolyte water from a Sav-a-chick package, and fed it to the chick using a syringe for liquid medicine. Sadly, I found it dead last night. My wife was disappointed that it didn't survive, as she really likes the "cruella-deville" polish. We have 2 others in the brooder, so hopefully they make it. All of the other chicks are happy and chirpy in the brooder! Turkey poults are doing well too!
Have you tried a brace type thing on its foot? It would probably only have to stay on 3-4 days and it would greatly help the chick. It would flatten the foot out and straighten it up.

His foot is not crooked, or anything. It is crushed. 2 of his toes on the outside of his foot. I am thinking it happened before I decided to put them in 2 separate brooders, maybe it even happened when he was in the box one his way here will all the other chicks.

He is just as active as all the other birds, and even roosts. So I don't think it's even necessary to cause stress on him. And if the problem starts to make his life more difficult than it should be, I would cull.
I love my birds but generally let nature take its course. They either adapt or they don't. Its how I was brought up. But so far he has adapted well, which is why I think it may have happened right away because he seems to not even realize there is anything wrong.
After many hours of staring at my chicks who are bow out with my big birds, most of them are the size of my bantams now.

I have
3 spitzhauben
1 self blue d'uccle
4 Columbian Wyandotte's
3 buff polish
2 white crasted black polish
1 silver laced polish
2 barred rocks
2 delaware
3 buff orpintons
1 buff Brahma
2 light brahmas
3 or 4 Austra whites
2 old English game bantams of some kind.
A lot of Cochin's!
A chick that had hackle feathers(I think that's what they're called) possible Cochin?

3 barnvelders(excited about these!)
A few red sexlinks I assume.
1 little red bantam
A couple pure white ones, not sure what breed yet.
2 silican buttercups

And 3 white ones with gray/Brown eyeliner. Anyone know what they might be?
I'm jealous! Ha I I've been told I have to wait till next year.. On the plus side since I generally turn a profit it hasn't been shot out of the water for next year...
I've made a profit, too! The second one I made almost double.

I just ordered 50 bantams from Ideal today... they had them for $1.25 each.
This is the white guy with eye liner, anyone know what he is? His legs are turning from yellow to a greenish.

What are the standard sized feather footed birds that Cackle sells? I have about four chicks that are white with feathered feet. On first glance I said Cochin. Today I noticed they don't have a straight comb and their wing feathers are coming in splotchy black. Four toes, pink skin. Help! lol

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