Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Just a single comb.

On cackle white jersey giant chicks are black and white though?
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I've been gone for what feels like forever because I have been working non-stop for five weeks without a break!

How are the chicks all doing? I lost one, a silver laced polish that was fragile from the beginning. It wouldn't eat or drink and slowly wasted away; wouldn't even eat when I hand fed it. The other SL polish is fragile looking, smaller than the others, but doing well.

Anyone want to tell me why one of my rouen ducklings is like three times the size of the other one??? DS1 is convinced the bigger one is a boy, but I am concerned that it is because the other one is sick/genetically inferior/not well/something!
Ive had some ducks just not thrive. They don't grow, and they act fine, but one day they just die. I've tried all sorts of things - vitamins, niacin increase, extra food. No idea what causes it, but they just don't live. It's sad.

They usually die fairly quickly, but one year I had 2 ducks 3-4x larger than another, until they all disappeared. We went on a trip and came back and they had all disappeared. But the duck thrived for weeks.
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I've been gone for what feels like forever because I have been working non-stop for five weeks without a break!

How are the chicks all doing?  I lost one, a silver laced polish that was fragile from the beginning.  It wouldn't eat or drink and slowly wasted away; wouldn't even eat when I hand fed it.  The other SL polish is fragile looking, smaller than the others, but doing well.

Anyone want to tell me why one of my rouen ducklings is like three times the size of the other one???  DS1 is convinced the bigger one is a boy, but I am concerned that it is because the other one is sick/genetically inferior/not well/something!
one off my call ducklings is the same. I have 14 normal sized 2.5 weeks old ducklings and one who is the size of a newly hatched duckling. I named him/her pip.
My hatchery surprise ships Monday the 23! I wrote in the comments" prefer silkies, Cochins,Easter eggers, and guineas".
I'll let you know what I get, so excited! The only thing I wouldn't want is ducks but I can sell if I get any .
Just placed my order for surprise box! So excited!

Recieved email saying ship date is Wed. 25th. So they should be here by Fri. :D
(I had a dream last night that I opened my box and all it had was a single baby platypus!) LoL
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