Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Just an update frm my 6/25 surprise! (Yep, a month old)!

My 26 various Crested Polish

Wow! 26 Polish! That's pretty awesome--I only got 19 (and 13 of them were Silver Laced Polish). Your chicks look really big for one month! Mine are three weeks now and they still look pretty small, I wonder if I'm not feeding them enough.

Do your chicks run away from you/are frightened by you? All of mine will literally run to the other side of the cage asap when I go inside to change out their water/food. I don't know if this is normal and they become nicer later on? Otherwise, I'm going to have 55 feral, human-hating chickens. A select group (maybe 15 of them) will eat out of my hand if I stay still enough. And there is one chick (who was yellow) but now has tan/white feathers coming out who is always the first to run up to me to let me pet her/him. That is the only one that isn't afraid of me and is always curious when I go in (so he/she's my favorite).
More surprise pics @ 5 weeks! My lone guinea is in there - unfortunately the other didn't make it:( not sure if I should get companions for her or just sell.
Also some adorable Cochin bantam girls I love, the sweetest things






Yeah, they do tend to scatter when I first go in, but they come around if I stay a while. There are always some that are friendlier than others. Sometimes you get one or two that never do warm up to people - always skiddish - just the nature of the chick.
And yes, my chicks grow fast! LoL - my parents (who have raised chickens as long as I can remember) don't feed as much as we do - and their chickens tend to grow slower. My wife makes sure there is always feed available though! My parents chickens are healthy too though - mine are probably "too healthy" (overweight).
My chicks all scattered and fluttered every where until a few days ago... We seperated into two groups, with all my Cochins and brahmas in one group, and assorted Easter eggers, leghorns, and welsummers in the other. My feather footed pen is so calm now! They will actually come to be petted and jump in your hand, I was amazed. The other group... Absolutely nuts! They are all getting sold! Lol
My wife has a bantam coop that houses her 11 "personal pets" - a mix of cochins, cresteds, one silkie, 2 Sebrights and 2 OEGs. She can go in there and set on her stool and she becomes a human perch! They just swarm her! LoL
Except....there is one bantam of hers - a Light Brahma - she has only jumped on her lap once - ever. I think it was an accident! LoL She just hasn't come around like the other bantams - but there are 11 total, so 1 out of 11 is ok I guess. My wife is determined to win that Brahma over though! She tries every day. She tempts her with treats, fresh grass, fruit etc....maybe one day?
I just received the shipping notice that my Hatchery Surprise is on its way. Hopefully I get it here in the morning but it will most likely be on Friday morning. This will be my third (maybe fourth) hatchery surprise in the last few years but my first one since I moved to Texas after getting out the Army. I can't wait until they get here. I am anxious to see what types of birds I receive this time.

They put on the invoice that I like Jungle Fowl, Aseels, and Turkeys and prefer large fowl. They also put no bantams. Hopefully the person that packed the box kind was able to accommodate the requests. Regardless, I am sure it will be awesome as usual.
They put on the invoice that I like Jungle Fowl, Aseels, and Turkeys and prefer large fowl. They also put no bantams. Hopefully the person that packed the box kind was able to accommodate the requests. Regardless, I am sure it will be awesome as usual.

I'm interested to see if your requests are met, please let us know. It was nice that they put those specifics on your invoice, I asked for a couple of specific breeds but they just wrote "Customer looking for good assortment." Although, in the end I was still very happy with my assortment (but I didn't get anything but chickens--though possibly a blessing in disguise for my personal situation).

What are the uses of Jungle Fowl and Aseels? (I thought they were meaner/more aggressive birds, although I may be completely wrong).
I'm interested to see if your requests are met, please let us know. It was nice that they put those specifics on your invoice, I asked for a couple of specific breeds but they just wrote "Customer looking for good assortment." Although, in the end I was still very happy with my assortment (but I didn't get anything but chickens--though possibly a blessing in disguise for my personal situation).

What are the uses of Jungle Fowl and Aseels? (I thought they were meaner/more aggressive birds, although I may be completely wrong).

I will make sure to post whatever they send me tomorrow, I should be able to guess a good number of them and the rest I will be posting pictures to see if anyone can help id them.

The reason I wanted some Jungle Fowl and Aseels are they are the kinds of birds that are closest to what I grew up with in Guam when I was little. Kind of want a few for nostalgia reasons, I already have numerous coops here so they would get their own. Hatchery aseels and jungle fowl are usually a lot more mellow than ones from breeders although the jungle fowl are still very flighty.
I will make sure to post whatever they send me tomorrow, I should be able to guess a good number of them and the rest I will be posting pictures to see if anyone can help id them.

The reason I wanted some Jungle Fowl and Aseels are they are the kinds of birds that are closest to what I grew up with in Guam when I was little. Kind of want a few for nostalgia reasons, I already have numerous coops here so they would get their own. Hatchery aseels and jungle fowl are usually a lot more mellow than ones from breeders although the jungle fowl are still very flighty.

Update please! (And pictures!).
I will make sure to post whatever they send me tomorrow, I should be able to guess a good number of them and the rest I will be posting pictures to see if anyone can help id them.
Anxiously awaiting the news of Tat2d's new flock..........
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