Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

I got my box!!!! It was a day late and Only 5 doa.

I got 4 ducks and a lot of chicks. Running around eating drinking and pooping.
I got 4 naked necks 1doa, some bantams, some poofy headed and some that I think are EE.
Hi all. I used to hang out on BYC a lot but haven't been around a while.

I got a Cackle Surprise mid February 49 chicks, 2 ducks

So $1.50 each.
I sold 25 chicks at $3/each and bought another box, delivered last Friday

Trying to do the same thing
. But now feed stores have their chicks so it's a little harder.

And yes, I split them into 2 boxes. Keep & sell
I love anytime i see a little duck or two peeking out from a surprise box, it's friggen adorable
I got my surprise about two weeks ago. Four ducklings, about 12 bantams, and the rest regular chicks. I sold the ducklings right away, but I'm having a hard time parting with the rest before I know what they'll grow into
. I'm pretty sure the bantams are all oeg or Phoenix, neither of which I want.

@twigcrafter any news of your box? I keep thinking of you and your chicks
Omgsh! I would love the 4 ducks! Cant wait for future pics

I got my box!!!! It was a day late and Only 5 doa.

I got 4 ducks and a lot of chicks. Running around eating drinking and pooping.
I got 4 naked necks 1doa, some bantams, some poofy headed and some that I think are EE.
I'm glad most of your little ones made it, with this weather and being a day late it could have been much worse. 4 ducks too! sounds like now is the time to get a box if you want a duck or two.
I'm so glad your box made it alright!!

I raise ducks, so I'm always set up for waterfowl. I'm kind of happy I've never gotten a turkey because I wouldn't know what to do.
About feather legs, cackle sells brahmas, which have pea combs, and marans, which have lightly feathered legs. I got some Cochin, Brahma and marans. Well, I won't be sure on the marans until they grow up a bit.
I was hoping for heritage turkeys we could keep, but we got broad breasted white so we have freezer turkeys instead.

I separated the ducks from the chicks. They are too big and active for the tiny chicks.

They are Ancona and they love the momma heating pad.

I'll post pictures tomorrow. I don't want to stress them out sooner than I should.

The chicks are doing great too!
Some of them like the momma heating pad and some are just stubborn. I put lights in it and covered the brooder so now the momma is brighter than the rest of the brooder.

I'll uncover it so they can see to eat in a few minutes.

I'm tired of playing chick herder.

They all seem to be eating and drinking. It's hard to tell with so many chicks
My wife wants to order a box and hopes to get a gosling , It would be cute but i'm not sure im ready for a goose lol // personally i would really want guineas more then anything.. and very few bantams, just not for me

@gypc84 I love the pics! i would love cochins / fingers are crossed for you
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I separated the ducks from the chicks. They are too big and active for the tiny chicks.

They are Ancona and they love the momma heating pad.

I'll post pictures tomorrow. I don't want to stress them out sooner than I should.

The chicks are doing great too!
Some of them like the momma heating pad and some are just stubborn. I put lights in it and covered the brooder so now the momma is brighter than the rest of the brooder.

I'll uncover it so they can see to eat in a few minutes.

I'm tired of playing chick herder.

They all seem to be eating and drinking. It's hard to tell with so many chicks
im excited to see. I'm glad they are doing good thats great news. i get all giddy thinking about all the randomness lol
Sad news. My chicks that I thought were doing great are dying. I lost a total of 13. a few look very weak.
Others are running around acting great. I'm dealing with a few pasty butts and I know this wasn't cackles fault. I blame stella.

I just can't believe how great they looked and then they died.

Maybe they looked great because they were so happy to be out of the box, and they put out one last hope of surviving but they were really very weak.
I don't know. This is so sad.

on the plus side, the ducks seem fine. they sleep, eat, and make a mess. They move in a pack. You never see just one eating. too cute.

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