Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

Thanks everyone

I didn't get any silkies in my box, so yesterday I went to TSC and they had 1 silky. But I had to buy 6 chicks. So I bought 3 other bantam and 2 laying pullets.

The bantams were day old and the pullets were the same size as my chicks. worked out great.

Then I saw they had red broilers for 50 cents each. The employee working there said they were really 25 cents each.

today I went back to TSC and bought 15 red broilers. I think I have a problem lol.

17 laying hens, 1 rooster, and 10 bantams outside.

33 surprise box chicks +2 more from TSC, 4 baby bantams, 4 ancona ducklings, and now 15 red broiler chicks inside.

that's 4 brooders in my house!!! = chicken math.

OOPs almost for got to say thanks for helping me guess my breeds. I will keep an eye out for tuff. I really wanted some spitzhaubens.
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I wanted to add that the last two seem to be Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. And they both look to be female! It's hard to tell in the pictures, but if they have dark on the top of the head, I'm pretty confident they will be pullets.
OMG!!! You guys were right!!! Out of the blue the ones you thought were spitzhaubens, now have tuffs

I have one silver spangled and one golden spangled. I'm pretty sure they sent 2 of each and they didn't make it :(

I'm so happy with all of the survivors
Oh wow, amazing!
I LOVE Spitzhaubens, but the roosters can be very difficult!
But they are all VERY pretty.
I think you have two pullets, so no mean roosters!
I think the mini "devil horns" for a comb fit them well, lol!
Last year my Cackle surprise included 4 gold-spangled appenzeller spitzhauben, one rooster and three pullets. I was super excited, planning how I was going to set up my breeding pens etc. Then the rooster attacked my toddler, and I sold the group. So beautiful, but I couldn't risk it with my kids. Went with Brahmas instead, very chill birds. Anyway, congratulations! They really are so lovely.

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