California whites vrs leghorn in the winter

Love Ducklings

9 Years
Apr 6, 2015
Hey all! So I'm looking into California Whites and they're described as winter hardy... Do they have the same issue as the Leghorns regarding frostbite on their combs? Or are they more like the rose combed? Thanks!
Hi! I have California white chickens. This winter we had extreme temps, and one of them that had a very large comb, got a very minor case of frostbite. As long as they have a good shelter, I'm sure they will be just fine. hope this helps! :)
Still looking into California whites though. They seem much friendlier, less skittish. Although I can't seem to find any hatching eggs, which I'd prefer over live chicks.
How do you find their temperament? And would you have any idea where I would be able to find hatching eggs?
I have not had California Whites but a quick search shows them to have single combs even larger than a White Leghorn. So I'd expect them to have the same frostbite issues as leghorns.
I am in Kentucky, I don't have leghorns :)
Their temperament is pretty good (the California whites) they can fly though! Ours can easily get out of our 6-foot fence! they fly/climb straight up the fence! :rolleyes: I don't know where you can get hatching eggs, but I know hoover hatchery has California white chicks. If you have any more questions I am happy to help!
Thanks all! My fence is 4 feet but I have bird netting for another 3 and then covering the entire run. I really want the California whites! If only I can find a place for eggs!

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