Californians WAKE UP - Vote NO on Prop 2!!!

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Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay

16 Years
Nov 26, 2007
East of There, West of There
On November 4 Californians will cast votes for or against Proposition 2, the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act. On the surface this is an appealing act, especially if you know nothing about livestock production. However, like most laws the devil is in the details.

This text is one area of concern: ""Fully extending his or her limbs" means fully extending all limbs ithout touching the side of an enclosure, including, in the case of egg-laying hens, fully spread ing both wings without touching the side of an enclosure or other egg-laying hens." This would eliminate any battery cages, but may ALSO free range producers that lock their birds up at night. It would also elminate cage free egg production, unless the the birds are given remarkably large areas.

One other detail is that a portion of the curretn California Penal code could grant statutory, quasi governmental rights to radical Animal Rights groups to enter any farm to inspect the condition of the livestock. This includes such radicals as organization and PETA.

If this bill is passed it will eliminate the almost 20 million laying hens currently in California and force the import of eggs from out of state.

For more information check out this link:

I'll tell you what... it's hard being a righty on the left side.

If this bill is passed it will eliminate the almost 20 million laying hens currently in California and force the import of eggs from out of state.

So pretty much, if this passed, CA would be saying, "You can have battery hens, just not in our state!"... as they are buying eggs from the store.
What is the amount of square footage they are required to give a chicken now and what is the amount of square footage they would be required to give a chicken if this passes?
There is not a square footage requirment in the Proposition, only that animals must be able to stretch out their limbs and not touch another animal, building, or equipment. Technically this would be a circle around a bird of about 2.5' or 5 square feet give or take.

Doesn't it make more sense for everyone to quit eating hormone filled eggs and meat and stop the torture of inocent animals?
Californians are putting themselves in a great little bind here. Glad I'm not a "lefty"!

So pretty much, if this passed, CA would be saying, "You can have battery hens, just not in our state!"... as they are buying eggs from the store.

Basically they are saying they are too good to have laying hens, veal cattle, and bred sows and other pople should have them. If the bill goes through then the price of eggs will go up as well as pork and veal and the poorer people of this country will go eggless
. With no cheap sources of protien to feed thier families. And the coyotes/raccons are going to have a field day with all the lose birds

We have the same problem in dogs that the farm industry has with PETA and organization (evil people BTW). These people would rather a hen be ripped apart by racoons then be confinded to a coop/cage, yes they are that crazy!

Your going to need a lot of strong opposition that calls their state reps to keep this bill from passing.​
If this passes how soon would it become effective? I don't imagine every factory-farm would be willing/able to enlarge their cages or move their hens out of state, so then thousands of layers would be prematurely culled.

I think it's great that attention is being focused on how our food is produced, but I don't think this proposition is the best way to improve the situation. Lots of folks will be voting with their emotions and not thinking it through.

As long as there is a demand for Egg McMuffins on the Dollar Menu and other cheap food made with eggs, there will be a market for factory-farmed eggs.

A better solution is to vote with your dollars and support those providing food produced humanely & ethically, considering the well-being of the humans, animals, and planet.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :


HORMONES ARE NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT USED IN EGG PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Livestock are NOT tortured in commercial agriculture.


How can you believe that? How is hanging a cow half alive by their leg no torture?​
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