Call Duck Assortment from Metzers

Is there any company who will DNA sex callducklings? Metzer Farms does not sex call ducklings…too small apparently. And one pet DNA lab doesn’t do duckling down, only adult feathers….i want to order call ducklings from matter but keep the females and give some males to my friends- I have too many drakes , don’t want to add to the problem
Is there any company who will DNA sex callducklings? Metzer Farms does not sex call ducklings…too small apparently. And one pet DNA lab doesn’t do duckling down, only adult feathers….i want to order call ducklings from matter but keep the females and give some males to my friends- I have too many drakes , don’t want to add to the problem
I don’t know of any, maybe you’d have to hatch them yourself if you want to DNA sex them
Is there any company who will DNA sex callducklings? Metzer Farms does not sex call ducklings…too small apparently. And one pet DNA lab doesn’t do duckling down, only adult feathers….i want to order call ducklings from matter but keep the females and give some males to my friends- I have too many drakes , don’t want to add to the problem
You could try
I've used them for young peafowl and young geese. Not sure if they can use down, but you could ask.

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