Call Duck Assortment from Metzers

Also they’re always goofy in the water lol. They dart around in the water definitely, and the older girls got to swim in or above ground pool once when it was filled with normal water once when it had to get refilled. They would dart to the bottom of the like 5 foot deep pool and pop back up after going to I think the bottom.
Also what are some signs that a duck is happy? I heard someone say that when their bills get REALLY hot that that’s one of the signs. Also whenever I introduce an older duck to someone she just sits there and does nothing but stare. Normally when she’s just with me she’ll peck my hair and clothes and wander about. Does it mean she doesn’t like them?
I would say the lighter one is pied, the darker one is penciled, but they could both be either I think! Too stinkin adorable, I’m sure!!

I was also gonna mention that water bowl but @Strawberry74 beat me to it. You’ll be surprised how quickly they can hop high enough to get into it!

* edit just to add in your first post with pics, in the pics of greys, the shot with the hand and 3 different colors is mine! Grey, blue fawn, and nutmeg. That’s my hand and my ducklings. :lau
I recognized that photo 🤗
I have that one saved on my phone somewhere for reference. Lol!
Also what are some signs that a duck is happy? I heard someone say that when their bills get REALLY hot that that’s one of the signs. Also whenever I introduce an older duck to someone she just sits there and does nothing but stare. Normally when she’s just with me she’ll peck my hair and clothes and wander about. Does it mean she doesn’t like them?
As long as they're not pecking or self plucking and not subdued, I consider them content if not actually happy
I’ll upload a video of what the ducklings sounds like right now at 4 weeks so y’all can see if any of them are starting to get their adult voices or if any are specifically male or female yet. How do you upload videos here again?
I’ll upload a video of what the ducklings sounds like right now at 4 weeks so y’all can see if any of them are starting to get their adult voices or if any are specifically male or female yet. How do you upload videos here again?
Post to your persona, Gallery here on the site, then link it here. Don't need to make a youtube account.
I’m just gonna upload it to YouTube, I try uploading the first 30 seconds and it’s gonna take like 10 minutes if it actually end up uploading. I’ll probably delete the YouTube video later in the week

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