Call duck hatch help


9 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Paradise, California
Hoping for some help from @Lacrystol. I have 14 call duck eggs in my Brinsea 20. Temp is set at 99.5 and humidity was at 50% until lockdown, then bumped to 65. I candled at lockdown and there were 3 that had stopped at some point. Day 26 was 5/16 and we are at 5/20 now. 4 hatched yesterday with only 1 needing any help. I found that one of the remaining eggs was leaking green and another just stopped, leaving 5 with live, moving chicks inside. However, those 5 have not even internally pipped yet at Day 30. Is there anything I should do at this point? A couple of them have pretty big air cells and I am concerned that they are going to suffocate before they can internally pip.
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Hoping for some help from @Lacrystol. I have 14 call duck eggs in my Brinsea 20. Temp is set at 99.5 and humidity was at 50% until lockdown, then bumped to 65. I candled at lockdown and there were 3 that had stopped at some point. Day 26 was 5/16 and we are at 5/20 now. 4 hatched yesterday with only 1 needing any help. I found that one of th remaining eggs was leaking and another just stopped, leaving 5 with live, moving chicks inside. However, those 5 have not even internally pipped yet at Day 30. Is there anything I should do at this point? A couple of them have pretty big air cells and I am concerned that they are going to suffocated before they can internally pip
@Audio51, :hugs, sorry for your losses. @Lacrystol hasn't been on BYC since 5-8-2018, but @WVduckchick, @Pyxis, and @Ravynscroft might have some suggestions for you.
I have another pipped in the last hour or so, but nearer the small end. The safety hole was what I was wondering about. All were set at the same time so I would have expected them all to be ready about the same time, but they were brought to me to hatch for a friend and not sure about age or handling prior to that. I know calls are tough, so was relieved when the first one was successful, but with help. The other 3 had no problem on their own, but we are getting pretty far out from due date so I don't want them to go too long without some attempts to get them air if that will make a difference. I will make an air hole in the big end on the 4 remaining unpipped but active ones and keep an eye on all of them. That one that is pipped near the wrong end may need help. I am thinking that may be what happened with the one that was "leaking". Thank you all for your help and I will keep you posted!!!
Day 30 is pretty far over due, seeing as others have hatched. Calls often quit right before hatching, and are often unable to hatch without help. At this point, I don't believe a tiny safety hole would do any harm. That's what I would do.

I agree, X2. You said your temperature was 99.5, did you double check that with a thermometer you know to be accurate? And is your incubator still air or forced?

Day 30 is very late for Calls. The trouble with Calls is, good quality Calls - the ones that conform to the breed standard - have very short necks and beaks, which makes it very hard for them to hatch on their own. So a lot of times they need help and aren't able to hatch, and end up quitting right before hatch.
So when I rechecked them 3 more had pipped. I made a hole on the 1 remaining unpipped, but it looked like that one had already died. So had one of the ones that had pipped. I have 3 more viable ducklings that are working hard to get out. I am helping them slowly and they are making progress. I am hoping they are out before bedtime as I will worry they will be too tired and not get out at all. I have high hope as they are all close to 50% zipped with help but there is still some blood in the membranes. I am just making a tiny snip at a time on each side of the hole and then letting them rest for an hour or so. I know if I go too quickly they can bleed out or hatch with yolk unabsorbed and not survive. If these 3 make it that will be 7 out of 11 of the ones that made it to past the 21 day mark.
@Pyxis ...I did double check the temp with my SpotCheck and it has been pretty reliable for me. The incubator is a Brinsea Octagon 20 so forced air with a humidity pump and auto cradle. I am surprised at how late they are but am wondering if it has anything to do with having a cooldown cycle set. I do it with chicken eggs and it seems to improve my hatches,so left it set for the calls. I didn't really research to see if it might affect them. Eggs are an their sides and have been throughout the incubation.

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