Call ducklings - are my bbs drakes?


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2020
South Hill, Washington
Hello! I have two call ducklings that are about 5 weeks old. I've noticed in the last week they are getting these block color heads, and I'm wondering if that is always an indicator of a drake. This would be a huge bummer if they are both boys because every single small breed of duck i get i always get in pairs and they're always both dakes. 😭


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Pretty babies! With their snowy color, the head color won’t tell you yet. Their juvenile feathering can vary quite a bit. By 5-6 weeks, they should be getting close to getting their voice. If you can hold them, I’d suggest holding each one out away from your body for a few seconds, and try to get them to make noise. Females will quack loudly, males voice is more raspy peeping. Or sometimes separating them will cause them to call for the other and you can hear a quack or peep. Listen for differences in their voice.
I will say sometimes it takes up to 8-10 weeks if they aren’t very vocal. Like just a pair of them don’t need to be very loud to communicate with just each other so their quack doesn’t always come out as fast. Hope that makes sense. Lol.

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