Call Ducks Finally Hatched

I love call ducks! are any of them for sale!
Well I decided to keep the four but I will most like sell off some of these that are due April 29th because that would give me a total of 17 call ducks and I think I may be pushing it with OH if I keep all of them. LOL..
Ok what is a safe hole and how do I make one when the time comes. Thank you all that info is very helpful

Safe hole when you hear the little guys pipping and it's been say over 24 hours to 48 hours and no progress has been made it maybe time to slightly help.

No progress meaning there's no cracks there sound is getting weaker and quieter.

You candle the egg find an air cell spot if you don't you could accidentally do what I did one time and hit a vein and the egg fills up with blood not good, yes the little guy survived but not recommended at all.

Anyway you find air space take your blunt object I have taken a needle but not the pointed sharp end, you kind of scratch on the shell until it makes a tiny hole. Once I get the tiny hole I go into circles making the hole slightly bigger. You have to avoid going to deep and hit the duck. This is call the safe hole it helps them breath, it also speeds up any obsorbing that's left and makes a guide for them to aim at to escape. Sort of speaking.

It doesn't have to be a big hole so that you can see inside just enough so air can get in for them to breath. It's kind of like making a hole when you blow eggs, you know so you can get the yolk out but still have a perfect looking egg.

You may want to practice on an egg that's in your fridge to get the feel of how much pressure your going to need if or when it's time for the ducks. Practice without hurting the yolk then you will know what's to far and what's not. To much pressure can crack the entire egg, not enough pressure you'll never make the safe hole. This will help too so that if you need to make the safe hole you'll have the perfect object ready and in hand.

It's not hard to do you just have to make sure you hit the right spot and not go in to deep.

I only do it if need to and since two of mine hatched on day 25, when day 26th came and gone and no progress on the last two. That's when I made the safe hole for them and I'm telling you it was a good decision because the upside downer one would have never made it. But at least he had a chance and could breath and adventually made it out if course with more help from me but that's another story.
Can making a safe hole shrinkwrap them?
The hole can not be big, just enough for them to breath. I have not had a shrink wrap problem yet and last year I hatched out 10 this year 4 so far plus I have the other 10 to go. Like I said you dont want the hole to be big to where you can see the duck, just enough for them to breath..
Thank you so much for all the information, you are great....OK what's shrink wrapped Can ya tell this is my first time incubating eggs?
Shrink wrap is when the membrane that the duck or chick is covered with shrivels up because the temp and humidity has dropped. The best way to think of it is taken plastic wrap and putting it over heat. It shrinks will that can happen during lockdown if the bator is opened. The temp drops the humidty drops and the membrane shrinks and basically strangles the chick or duck..

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