Calling crochet masters...need help finding a pattern!


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Burton, OH
One of my very good friends is about to have her first baby and is planning on nursing. She has already ordered a regular fabric type nursing shawl but I wanted to surprise her with a homemade one that I crocheted. I have been searching and searching and google-ing for a good pattern but haven't found anything!
I'm getting to the point where I'm about to just make something up...thinking maybe like a regular blanket but with a 'strap' that would button around her neck, kind of like on an apron. I'm just not sure on dimensions, how wide it should be and I really don't want to just 'wing' it. I was hoping some of my BYC peeps might be able to help. anyone?

I would normally just make her one out of fabric and i even have some adorable baby flannel pieces that would be perfect. Unfortunately, a basement flood ruined my sewing machine so anything I sew now has to be done by hand and a nursing shawl seems a bit too much to do by hand, although maybe it's not as much as I think?

thanks in advance!
kind of. like a blanket with a strap to loop over or around your neck. I'm thinking i might try just making a blanket size and then positioning a couple large buttons on it that I can then make a strip to loop into. Was hoping to just find a pattern but may just resort to winging it.

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