Camelids: post your photos!

Don't know. But the Camelid family is split into 2 groups:

1. Camels
a. dromedary
b. bactrain

2. Lamas (with one L)
a. llamas, which has a variety of wool types, silky, suri, traditional, etc
b. alpacas, which has 2 types, suri and huacaya
c. guanacos
d. vicunas, which are not in private hands in the USA.

Dromedary's and Bactrains can cross and produce fertile offspring.

Llamas, Alpacas, Guanacos, Vicunas can cross and produce fertile offspring.

There has been a few man made Camel/ Llama crosses- but I SUSPECT they are hybrids, and would not be feritle.
Great pic- THey do love to play in the water to cool down on a hot day!

Matanza Loves his pool we have 2 one for each, but if poor sante dare gets in his pool, he gets chased out!
No Camels are easy to care for. They can be rough on fencing and gates though.

Here is what happens when a camel wants some hay on the other side of the gate:




Or when the male wants to use the water tank as a toy:

When I get my own land the first two animals i will buy will be an emu and a camel, i love riding them they are soooo cool!! I no you need special fencing foe emus can you use normal cattle fencing for camels or will they just run through it?? Thanks

P.S. You would have to be one of the luckies people that live on earth!!!!! Oh and if you see a mysterious lum under a sleeping camel, that would be me...
We had Ostriches in pipe and cable fencing 5 rows of cabling and a pipe bar on thop aI think it was about 5 1/2 feet tall fancing. Could have been overkill as it was left from the feedlot but I liked that between them and me. I can scale a fence like that in 2 steps I quickly found out one day wile gathering eggs.

Now I need some info what are camels good for do they grow wook like llamas etc or more of an exoctic pet.

And what is up with the suri's that are 1/2 naked.

I have been thinking about an alpaca or llama for fiber but that is many years down the line. So I do not know much yet.
The camels are not bad on the fence IF it is high enough that they can't reach over it to far OR if you have an electric wire along the top.

Now I need some info what are camels good for do they grow wook like llamas etc or more of an exoctic pet.

And what is up with the suri's that are 1/2 naked.

Camels can supply wool, they get a thick winter coat which they shed off in the spring. I am not sure how it compares to finness with other camelids. They do get a good staple lenght, so spinning would be fine.

Comparing camelid wool to sheep's wool-

Sheep wool:
has a solid core
has scales on each strand (some breeds of sheep have less of the scaling- like Merino)
has lanolin

Camelid wool:
has a hollow core
does not have scaling or very little
is lanolin free

SO comparing a strand of sheep wool and a strand of llama wool under a microscope- the sheep wool would sort of resemble the stem of a rose and the llama wool would resemble a drinking straw.

With camelid wool being hollow it makes a garment lighter and also insulates better than the same garment made with sheep wool. Most people that are allergic to wool are allergic to the lanolin in sheep wool so they can wear camelid wool. Because camelid wool is smooth- It can also be worn against the skin without being itchy or scrathy.

In Lamas- Vicunas have the finest wool, then guanacos, then alpacas, followed by llamas. But thru breeding we are now breeding llamas with wool that is as fine as alpacas.

That Is just my take on wool!

But Camels are just ALOT of fun to own, they are some of my biggest babies.​

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