Can 2 Roos get along??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 6, 2014
hello, we had 1 big roo and 4 Hens. We recently got what we thought were 7 pullets. One is looking to be a roo and when we let our older bunch free range with the newer, younger ones there are no problems. They each kind of keep to their own group. Do you think there will be problems when little roo matures with 10 hens between them?? We were hoping to build one big coop for them all but have them separated right now. This little roo is throwing a wrench into our plans lol. Top pic is our big guy and bottom pic is newest, possible roo.

Yes, there most likely will be problems. You can always risk it, but don't be surprised if you come out one day to one (or two) injured roosters. Most cases where I know it worked out were either brothers raised together from hatch or sons who were always under the dominion of their father. And even then you still get scraps and sometimes you have to remove one of the males.
I have 2 x EE Roos (5 monthsold)who are brothers from a hatch! (Just waiting on an EE pullet) They are separated from my 8 ladies (layers) but free range during the day together roaming the acreage. They are very vocal and like to out crow each other. There is a dominant one and they do have little tiffs now and then. Thankfully I've never had to separate them. But they are Besties most of the time. They are also 2 very different personalities and I don't have trouble with them.
I have 2 x EE Roos (5 monthsold)who are brothers from a hatch! (Just waiting on an EE pullet) They are separated from my 8 ladies (layers) but free range during the day together roaming the acreage. They are very vocal and like to out crow each other. There is a dominant one and they do have little tiffs now and then. Thankfully I've never had to separate them. But they are Besties most of the time. They are also 2 very different personalities and I don't have trouble with them.

The bit in red is key. Bachelor pens where they're not in competition for hens usually works for keeping multiple roosters.
I've also read than sometimes the bachelor pens will work if within sight and hearing distance of hens, sometimes not. Safest route seems to be to set up the bachelor pen as far from the hens as possible. If they can see or hear the hens, they're much more likely to fight.

Right now our ratio of rooster to hen is 1:5 and it's too much. Tonight will be 1:6 and in about a month will be 1:10. The roosters don't fight much, but they're over mating the hens.

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