Can a nesting box bee too big?


In the Brooder
Sep 20, 2015
I see most nesting boxes are about 12x12. I have a box that is much larger. Does this matter?

My hen has not started laying yet, she was a stray that picked me. I have built a run and area in my shed for her to use as a coop. The box I have for her is pretty big and I have straw in it.

She has not laid an egg yet, it has bee 6 weeks or so. I am getting a laying hen to keep her company on Friday and just began wondering if the box was right.

Thanks -

From my limited experience, the size of the nest does not make too much of a difference (as long as it not as big as a football field!). If the hens feel secure, then they will use a nest. I have three nesting boxes (actually they are just large plastic basins with sand in) and my 6 hens only use one (silly things) and that is the one that is highest off the ground (they even refused a second one on the same shelf!).

I have read that some people construct larger nests so a number of hens can lay in the same nest and that is what i would do, but sadly I'm likely to be moving soon, so i will have to lose my flock.

Hope that helps


That must make egg gathering easy. I am getting 2 other hens from 2 separate flocks because of the same moving issue. Sorry you will be losing your flock. Thanks for the info.
Hi there! I don't think bigger is a problem. I have 18 gallon totes placed throughout the woods where they hang out. Beside the coop, I have an old dresser that I converted into 4 nesting boxes. The coop is about an eighth of an acre fenced in with a small shed attached. Inside the shed is where I store hay. Quite a few of my girls love nesting in there, many nesting at once!

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