Can anyone help me with calf?


5 Years
Dec 12, 2016
Erie PA
Hi. I have a three week old Holstein boy that Didnt want his bottle this morning. Im freaking out a bit. His stomach is a little bloated but hes up and active otherwise healthy. He has starter pellets and water and we can see he ate pellets this morning. I lost one and don't want to loose another. Am I over reacting? Thanks.
Don't know much about calves but I would suggest: getting his temp, checking respirations, listening to see if you can hear gut sounds, and then telling those. How does his poop look? Normal? etc. This is the kind of stuff I need to know when someone asks me about a goat. Check his eyes - are the lids pink? White? All of that can help identify if this calf has an issue or just is not hungry right now.
Don't know much about calves but I would suggest: getting his temp, checking respirations, listening to see if you can hear gut sounds, and then telling those. How does his poop look? Normal? etc. This is the kind of stuff I need to know when someone asks me about a goat. Check his eyes - are the lids pink? White? All of that can help identify if this calf has an issue or just is not hungry right now.
X2... great info to have ready for those who will try to help

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