Can chickens eat rabbit feed?


Hatching and Showing
13 Years
Oct 10, 2007
I was just blessed with three bags of rabbit food (150 pounds worth). The problem is, I do not have rabbits anymore. Is this feed significantly different from poultry feed, or can I integrate some into my chickens' diet without causing a problem?
i have heard that chickens grow a lot better with goat feed so it would be ok to feed them rabbit feed
I can't imagine that this would be a good idea. Rabbits are herbivores (complete vegetarians) with a low protein and calcium requirement. Chickens are, well, the opposite. You could use the rabbit pellets as bedding inside the coop, but I sure wouldn't use it as food.
It has alot of alfalfa in it which is good for them mix it with your regular feed & feed it that way. & yes goat feed works good for me.
Thanks for the replies! And if I do feed it to them, I would just add some in to their regular feed, so they will definitely not be on rabbit feed only.
It should be mostly alfalfa which is good for chickens.

I'll be surprised if your chickens will eat it. My geese won't and the ducks will only eat alfalfa pellets if I soak them first.

Maybe you can find someone who raises rabbits that would trade you a dressed frozen rabbit for the bags of rabbit feed. The pellets can also be fed to horses, cattle, and goats, so lots of barter possibilities.

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