Can chickens stay hydrated on snow?


Feb 23, 2023
It snowed 10 inches and will remain below freezing for the next couple of days. Will they be able to stay hydrated by eating snow?
Chickens will peck at snow, but they hate to venture into it. Personally I think they need more hydration than that. Some of my other species hardly look at their fresh water if they have snow. Not my chickens, they immediately come to drink if their water was frozen even if they could get to the snow. Hopefully someone with little more scientific info will chime in.
Snow isn't enough to keep them sufficiently hydrated. I let the water run during freezing weather, or if snow is on the ground....not very often here in South Texas but I see wild birds coming to the faucets to get a drink.
Birds will still drink as much water during freezing weather as they will during normal weather.
It takes ten inches of snow to make one inch of water (variable as to type of snow and if it is packed). I presoak/ferment their feed so that every bite contains water. I think this helps.
No. Give them water. Most chickens hate snow and refuse to go near it, let alone eat it for water. It will take a lot of snow to consume the necessary amount of water, as snow has a lot more volume than water, and even if they are willing to peck at it, they won't get as much water out of it as they need just from the occasional pecks. And, like others have said, it will lower their internal temperature and their bodies will need to work extra hard to overcome that. Overall not a good idea. They should always have liquid water available regardless of the weather.

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