Can ducks sleep in the house?


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2020
Brazil, IN
So I am a first time chicken and duck owner and they are now sleeping out in their coop but the ducks have been sleeping on the ground and I’m sure something will get them so I have been catching them and locking them in the coop but I’m wondering if it’s easy to train ducks to sleep inside the house and just put diapers on them? I just worry something will get them. I made them a duck house but they Aren’t going in they have been sleeping up against the fence when I go out to check on them before bed. I wouldn’t have a problem catching them each night and locking them with the chickens but I read they let out moisture at night and being locked up with chickens can give the chickens respiratory issues. I’m just a worried mom. I have 4 chickens and 2 Rouen ducks and they all get along so well. I made a tractor coop but the bottom is chicken wire and I know it’s not the safest but I only plan on them being in that during the day. I lock them up so nothing can get into their sleep/nesting area at night.
So I am a first time chicken and duck owner and they are now sleeping out in their coop but the ducks have been sleeping on the ground and I’m sure something will get them so I have been catching them and locking them in the coop but I’m wondering if it’s easy to train ducks to sleep inside the house and just put diapers on them? I just worry something will get them. I made them a duck house but they Aren’t going in they have been sleeping up against the fence when I go out to check on them before bed. I wouldn’t have a problem catching them each night and locking them with the chickens but I read they let out moisture at night and being locked up with chickens can give the chickens respiratory issues. I’m just a worried mom. I have 4 chickens and 2 Rouen ducks and they all get along so well. I made a tractor coop but the bottom is chicken wire and I know it’s not the safest but I only plan on them being in that during the day. I lock them up so nothing can get into their sleep/nesting area at night.

When I first read the title of your thread it reminded me of the age old question; Does a Bear Sh!t in the woods?

But then I saw that you were a "worried mom" and was contemplating diapering the ducks and decided to reference the BYC Rule book. In Section 45 Subchapter T Verse 1:6 ...ANYONE WHO PUTS DIAPERS ON THEIR DUCKS IS HERE-TO-FORE REQUIRED TO POST PICTURES. :lau
You need to get those ducks locked up every single night in a secure predator-proof pen of some kind. If they are sleeping against a fence that isn't hardware cloth 1/2" something is going to grab them and pull them through that fence piece by piece. Not a pretty picture is it? Better for them to sleep with the chickens than to be duck dinner for a raccoon!
I would think sleeping with the chickens would be good if that is a safer option even if is just temporary. Our ducks have been easy to train to go to bed at night, it just takes some treats and a little patience.
Our ducks sleep in the garage at night (we do not park our cars in there). They have learned to go from their run, across the yard and through a dog door into the garage each evening. It's a bit of cleanup each morning but they are safe and happy in there.
Does your chicken coop have good ventilation? That is what makes the difference between respiratory distress and health of our birds. Put deep layer of shavings down on the floor and then go in everyday and scoop up the wet shavings and turn over. No food an water inside the coop. Your ducks will learn to go inside if your consistent with your herding and training.
When I first read the title of your thread it reminded me of the age old question; Does a Bear Sh!t in the woods?

But then I saw that you were a "worried mom" and was contemplating diapering the ducks and decided to reference the BYC Rule book. In Section 45 Subchapter T Verse 1:6 ...ANYONE WHO PUTS DIAPERS ON THEIR DUCKS IS HERE-TO-FORE REQUIRED TO POST PICTURES. :lau

it wouldn’t let me post video so here is a screenshot! It was a fail so ducks are outside. Although my Cornish cross lets me put it on her and she watches criminal minds with me 🤣🤣🤣
My boys sleep in a big dog crate inside every night. They don’t wear diapers. They do have a basket of old blankets and towels that gets changes and thrown in the wash machine first thing every morning.

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