Can I feed rabbit pellets to a goose?


11 Years
Aug 29, 2012
I saw this suggested on another site by someone to add to the diet and as my goose has very little access to grass at the moment I wondered if this was actually a good idea? Have attached ingredients list to see if there is anything in there I can’t give a goose?

im not having much luck finding a feed store knows anything about feeding geese so at the moment he’s just eating chicken pellets/mixed flock pellets or scratch mix on rotation.
Advice appreciated.


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allot of folks do and have success give mine a bail of alfalfa hay to graze at. but hear that most peoples geese don't like the Alfalfa hay. A good quality Horse hay works to. I also raise barley fodder in my window for them. Colorado is in a drought so there winter pasture is a barren field right now.
Im feeding in the evenings fodder, wheat, touch of corn and free choice of Purina Duck Pellets and alfalfa hay. In the morning free choice of hay and whatever little blades of grass they can get from there pasture. My geese lay eggs year round so that is the reason for the duck pellets.
I bet some of the Farm and Fleet, or Tractor Supply, depending on where you live would have different hays, grasses, or cattle / horse feed that might work as well. Some of the bigger ones might even have a goose blend. Any mom and pop feed stores around you could ask?

Absolutely. Everything in it is in goose food. It is also the right size pellet for them to easily eat. You can also check out the horse feed section. You should have some type of lucerne pelleted feed. You might also find compressed hay cubes. I am more hesitate to feed them because of the size. You can break them up by hand or soak them and they instantly fall apart.

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