Can I keep 1 drake and 1 female happily together?


8 Years
Feb 23, 2015
Northeastern Ontario
I have Pekings 2 female ducks and 2 drakes. I plan on keeping a pair of 1 drake and 1 female. Will they be ok together? I don't want 2 drakes or 2 females and all I am allowed is 2 ducks.
Just want to be sure he won't be too hard on her.
That depends on the drake. Some are docile enough that it works, but many times it does not. If you can only have two and get attached easily I would just stick with two of the same sex. If you are willing to rehome if he starts causing issues then you can try it and see.
That depends on the drake. Some are docile enough that it works, but many times it does not. If you can only have two and get attached easily I would just stick with two of the same sex. If you are willing to rehome if he starts causing issues then you can try it and see.
Thank you. Both my drakes are very lovey and seem protective of the bunch. I'm not fancy on keeping 2 drakes as there's a higher chance of fighting and the females would be ok together but I really want to keep a drake. They're much calmer than the females. I'm hoping they will couple up.
I have Pekings 2 female ducks and 2 drakes. I plan on keeping a pair of 1 drake and 1 female. Will they be ok together? I don't want 2 drakes or 2 females and all I am allowed is 2 ducks.
Just want to be sure he won't be too hard on her.
Could you not keep two females or two drakes instead?
Ultimately it will depend on the drake and his temperament, some are gentlemen and some are not. If you see her being overmated, you may need to separate them now and again to give her a rest. (With see but no touch).

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