Can I OD my chickens with Ivermectin?


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Glocester, RI
I’ve had a problem with mites on one of my chickens, did all the usual (DE/Poultry Dust/Clean Coop/Bath, etc.) and still had a problem. So, I decided to go the Ivermectin route. Went to TSC to get it. The pour on is 14.99 for about 8 oz. I only have 3 chickens and would probably only use about a tablespoon before it expired. Since I didn’t want to waste it (not a price issue - just a waste issue), I got the paste instead. The problem is, even following directions from all the great posters here on BYC, I don’t think I was able to get an effective dose on the skin, probably more on feathers. So, should I still get the pour on and use it? Or will I OD my chicks (18-24 weeks old, standard size)? Thanks for any help.
If I go with the pour on, if there is anyone in the Northern RI area who could use some or wants to split a bottle with me or whatever, PM me. I just can’t stand the thought of wasting something that someone else might need.
The paste goes INSIDE the chicken. The pour on goes on the OUTSIDE.

Ivermectin paste that you bought is probably a dose for a horse, and it's not MADE for chickens, but I think you can use it. You would use a tiny little dose, of course.

I'm not sure what that dose would be. Someone else here might help??

I see where you say you've got a stubborn problem with the mites. You might think about your coop, where the mites will have moved in and set up permanent housekeeping. You might find something you can wash down the coop with. Pay special attention to corners, cracks and crevices, and replace all the perches altogether with new ones.

Good luck!
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I use the injectible, but put it in their water. It is 1 1/2 cc per gal of water. You'll have to buy a needle to withdraw the liquid.

Only use for 24 hours then take away. It is a chemical and if too much is used it can damage the liver.
I know that normally you use the paste as an internal wormer for horses. But I saw on other posts that you can use it for mite control on chickens using a BB/Pea sized amount on the skin on the back of the neck and under the wings when the pour on was not available. I simply don't think I did it well enough to work properly.
My question is still if I can safely use the pour on once I have ineffectively used the paste [externally].
The mites are only affecting one of the 3 girls. So, I have also been giving her some vitamins.

As far as the coop is concerned, it's been cleaned, washed down/painted with a mix of DE and Poultry Dust and thoroughly sprayed with Adams flea and tick spray. The coop is pretty new (since August) and has always been maintained with DE and Poultry Dust.

pips&peeps :

I use the injectible, but put it in their water. It is 1 1/2 cc per gal of water. You'll have to buy a needle to withdraw the liquid.

Only use for 24 hours then take away. It is a chemical and if too much is used it can damage the liver.

I didn't want to get the injectible for pretty much the same reason - too much waste. And the injectible is much more expensive than the pour on.
If you have a smaller waterer, just divide out the amount needed.

4 quarts to a gallon, divide 1.5 by 4

8 pints to a gallon, divide 1.5 by 8...... etc

ETA: This stuff works really good on lice and mites too, but you didn't hear it from me.

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pips&peeps :

If you have a smaller waterer, just divide out the amount needed.

4 quarts to a gallon, divide 1.5 by 4

8 pints to a gallon, divide 1.5 by 8...... etc

I meant waste, as in I'd only use a few drops out of the bottle before it expired. Sorry for the confusion. I know it's silly to worry about wasting it, but it's just the way I am.
So, do you think I can still try treating with either pour on or injectible safely, since I don't think the paste was effective?
You go, MimiChick!! All the right things!

One more thing to try -- Adams mist on the affected chicken?? It's mild enough for puppies and kittens.

The only other thing I can think of (tongue in cheek) is a flea and tick collar. bad maggie:rolleyes:couldn't resist.
What kind of mite (or bug) do you think the chickens have? What are you seeing and where? Scaly leg mite? Red mite? Vent lice? Feather shaft lice? Stick tight fleas? The treatment will differ depending on what the bug is. Pyrethrin or carbaryl based powders on the bird should be sufficient for most lice, as long as you reapply every 2 weeks for a few times. If you have red mites- they are not on the bird except to feed- so you need to treat the premises more than the bird. Scaly leg mites need systemic treatment- like your ivermectin pour on. They are under the skin- topical powder won't kill them. Paste needs to be given orally, the carrier it is in will not cross the skin barrier very well- and you can't accurately dose it. and YES you can OD on ivermectin- if you give to much= death. It's safe range is quite narrow.
From what I can see, they are a tiny brownish/reddish mite, mostly located on the base of her back and around the vent area. I think they have been "feeding" on her, since she's lost some weight (countering that with high protein goodies) and was getting very pale in the face. She was also "picking" at herself on the base of her back. I've checked her legs carefully and don't see any evidence of leg mites. The poultry dust I've been using is permethrin (?sp) based, I don't know if that's equivalent to Pyrethrin.
After bathing her yesterday (and I couldn't beleive the millions of mites - I had to change the water 4 times
), I did treat her with some Adam's spray and sprayed a little Blu-Kote on the base of her back where she was picking. Poor thing, her feathers are in a sad state back there, but she does have a lot of new feathers growing in. She really seemed to have perked up by the afternoon, a little more color in her face.
Since the paste may not have crossed the skin barrier, do you think I could use the pour on, or injectible in water without harming her?
If you can see them on her during the day, and they are concentrated around her vent- it is probably lice. Up close (use a magnifier- kid's lens will do) they are elongated, not round like mites. Grey to red in color- the red is chicken blood in their bellies. You will also see clumps of grey eggs at the bases of the feather shafts. If she has them BAD. Pull out the feathers or cut them off carefully that are coated with lice eggs. The eggs will hatch in 2 weeks. You can wash her, but she needs repeated and thorough powderings (or spray). Carbaryl (sevin dust) will be more effective than Pyrethrins (poultry dust). Powder the whole chicken including around the head (avoid eyes and beak). Repeat in 2 weeks. Treat ALL birds, as they all have lice- you just have found the worse one. They can kill chickens by causing severe anemia- they drink blood. If you are careful and thorough, the ivermectin is not needed for lice. It won't work for feather lice either as they do not drink blood. If you do use ivermectin pour on, I would wait several days in between the other dose. This will also treat internal roundworms if present. It is off label though, so always be aware of that aspect.

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