Can I put quail with bantam orpingtons?

I was told that you can not keep quail with chickens due to quail acquiring a respiratory ailment from chickens.
It just usually is never a good idea to mix any type of fowl. Especially gamebirds. I have myself have never heard of a respitory disease that the quail get from the chickens......but the quail are soo small...even though the chickens are bantys it would still be a risk.
Here's my two cents:

I have brooded different species together without much of an issue. This spring I had gooslings, pheasants, and chicks together. Last year, I had a duckling, bobwhite quail, and both standard and bantam chicks together. I didn't run into any major issues that regular cleaning didn't solve. Once they are feathered out, I do seperate them as their permanent housing needs can be very different.

Quail can be a lot of fun, they are awesome to hatch and bobwhites have a pretty song. My quail live in flight cages made for finches until I can make them a child safe run of their own.
i keep my quail and chickens (bantams and standard) ,pheasants and pigeons together and i havbe no problems . my bantams snuggle up with the quail to take naps . i never have any problems
Hey Leslie -

I have some bobwhite quail that are now old enough to go outside. These are my first birds and I would love to see what kind of cage you keep yours in. I was actually going to eventually put them in a coop with the chickens arriving next week, but I guess that's out!

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