Can inside chicks play outside?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
Hi, I've had my first chicks for two days now. I wasn't planning on getting them so soon, so I'm not totally prepared. (I went by a feed store and got the chicken fever.) Right now I have them in a plastic storage bin in my living room. I'd like to let them out to run around in our yard, but I'm worried they'll bring fleas or chiggers back into my house. Does that happen? They are about 1 week old.

Also, they are on medicated feed. I've read about electrolyte drops and apple cider vinegar for their water. I don't think I can find unfiltered ACV anywhere around here. Would grocery store ACV be of any benefit? Do I need to to get electrolyte drops?
I used an electrolyte mix that I bought at the feed store when the chicks were in the brooder, and switched to using organic unfiltered ACV when they moved to the coop. My chicks all grew healthy and fast!

I found the organic unfiltered ACV at my regular grocery store - the Giant - in the cooking isle right next to the regular ACV.

Regular ACV will not be as beneficial, but it will keep the water from getting slimy when you move them outside because of its acidity.

I wouldn't think you should worry too much about the chicks bringing fleas and stuff in the house - you walk around out there and come back in, right?

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