Can my chickens get infected with human influenza (H3N2 or H1N1)?

I just wanted to post an update in case someone finds this thread later and wonder how it went. I have been ill for over a week now and the chickens are still healthy. They have no symptoms. 😊
It's not just flu I'm talking about. An animal, any animal or bird, hides injuries, pain, illnesses, in general to continue acting normal so other animals don't pick on them.

Most bird owners usually know if one of their birds is "off" and takes action if necessary. I'm sure you know if any of your flock behavior is "off" from normal. We have Silkies that when they go broody their face goes dry and sometimes one or both eyes "glue" shut so DH checks all of them in the morning to cleanse their face if needed.

Our vet said to use vit E oil to lubricate their face, beak, walnut-comb, even their toenails and toes. We usually do it at roost time so the oil absorbs into their skin. If we treat them in the morning they just pick up too much dirt during dust baths on their oiled skin. We buy a liquid vit E oil (not E capsules) in the vitamin section of a Walmart store. That way we don't have to squeeze out vit E out of a capsule pill -- very messy that way. Getting liquid vit E in a squeeze bottle so much easier to use.

Didn't mean to talk your ear off. I just love talking chickens :D !!!

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