Can rat poison pass from chicken into eggs?


12 Years
Feb 18, 2007
North Georgia
I was curious if anyone has ever found any info on rat poison and eggs. We have rats living in a vehicle that needs a rebuilt engine. My husband put pellet rat poison under the hood to get rid of rats before we have it towed away. I know rats will carry bait to other locations and store it - so I am worried they may carry the bait by the chicken coops, thus causing a chicken to eat the bait. If one did eat it, would it kill the chicken immediately or would it still be able to lay eggs - passing the toxin into the eggs and causing our family to get sick from toxic eggs? I know it is far fetched, but I am worried about eating the eggs with poison in the vicinity.
Arsenic would diffinetely not be a good thing. A blood thinner would also not be good, but I would be less scared of that one, however I am thinking and I don't claim to be the expert here, but how about using a fog bomb? Heck use 3 of them. And maybe wait around it with a pellet gun, because they have to go somewhere when they abandon ship.
If the poison is a blood thinner, I would think you would find blood in the nesting boxes if the hens consummed it. By the time it infected the eggs and then you it had to go through 3 barriers and I would not be overly scared, but I would be concerned. If that would be the case, I would think that if the hens had enough water and not much stress and no accidents to cause bleeding that, potentially they might survive.
Arsenic.......I don't know. I think the hens would die, depending on how much they consummed. I still think they would get sick and that could be your warning. I would hope that the rats would hide the food somewhere that the chickens couldn't find it.
Thanks for your response - I don't think it is arsenic - it is the slow kill kind that comes in pellet form that you can get anywhere. I was just worried about the possibility of a rat taking it away and dropping it in their coop somewhere, though it is not too close. I have a bunch of eggs and I am afraid to eat them! Anyone seen any 'scientific' info on this?
Was it called Warfarin sodium? Because if it is, a lot of the people you know over the age of 60 or 70 are currently taking it everyday to keep their blood from clogging in their veins. That is why I said you might find blood in the nesting boxes if the chickens consume it. Someone on this drug, commonly known as Coumadin, has to be careful not to get hit or cut, due to bruising and bleeding. The difference is we are anywhere from 150 to 300 Xs larger than a rat and we are capable of vomitting. I honestly don't believe your chickens have consumed it, but even if they did, the larger danger will be to the chickens and not to you. As for as you are concerned getting a 3rd hand dose of coumadin, I would feel it might affect you in a similar way to a baby aspirin. I feel you can probably eat the eggs with good confidence. I mean getting warfarin solium in large enough quanities to harm an would have some dead chickens and very soon. Think about how tramatic it must be to lay an egg everyday. If they took a massive dose of coumadin, they would bleed. We can't even let a man who just started on this medician use a razor to shave his beard, until we make sure the dose is right. The reason the rats die on this is because they bleed to death. But just look at their size. It would take about 5 to 8 of them just to make up for the size of a newborn human infant.
I do not know if any of the chemicals would transfer to an egg but it could kill a chicken. I had a dog almost die because she ate not even the bait itself but poisoned rodents and while she didn't get enough poison to show immediate symptoms I then took her in to get spayed. Her blood did not clot after surgery. Rat poisons don't really kill quickly. Many just cause them to eventually bleed to death internally or from an external injury. The same can happen to any animal or human and I will not use any type of poison here anymore. There are rat traps that work on electricity to zap the rat and instantly kill it or we use live traps for mice and feed them to the chickens or barn cats.
Yes, Studies in New Zealand show that brodifacoum is found in eggs from hens that have experienced sublethal exposure. This poison is very dangerous and should be kept away from chickens. A neighbor was using poison pellets that somehow got into another neighbor's yard and killed their best layer. Fortunately a toxicology report discovered the cause of death.
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But this thread is about 7+ months old and the situation has hopefully been resolved. As a new member of BYC it is fascinating to read back, looking into all the topics that have arisen. Just check the posting dates!
Hello, i am new with chickens and i had some rat pellets in the hen house unfortunately, one of the newest edition chickens got into it. I am very upset because i think she is going to die, but my biggest fear is that her eggs may be contaminated, and i have a couple of eggs but am terrified that they might be poisoned. Please reply if you have any answers of solutions.
Hello, i am new with chickens and i had some rat pellets in the hen house unfortunately, one of the newest edition chickens got into it. I am very upset because i think she is going to die, but my biggest fear is that her eggs may be contaminated, and i have a couple of eggs but am terrified that they might be poisoned. Please reply if you have any answers of solutions.
What happened did your chicken die?
I know my drunk neighbor was sick of seeing rats eat all the food she throws out to feed my chickens, i asked her not to. She still does since she always high or drunk she cant remember. they eat all crap. I told her i want to keep my chiks organic oh will. ..any poison story. she set traps hurt so many animals. Then threw poison in the woods..sticked some in the holes and a rat pushed it back on our side of fence i saw something chewed on it crumbles every where. I saw diarrhea everywhere like never before they got lethragic layed for half day here in there. Amd then my daughter got sick and i think she got some lf that common rat posion bricks she threw that passed thru to the egg. She had fever for 25 hours then thru up a bunch and broke fever vut her diarrhea 5 times a day or so have not stopped for like 4 -5days now..* * i really think it all happened because of the egg. She is only year in half old. So she aint strong enough. I still have not told me neighbor anything worried she will get in defense mode or get butt hurt. But she wont be throwing that hopedullu any time soon dumb stuff..i have injured squirrel missing 3 paws with giant purple hand a robin smashed hand another dead bird. Just to kill one rat she got. Rat are smart hard to kill. Just let them be and get cats..

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