Can silkies and other breeds chickens swim???


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Hi, we recently moved to a home with a swimming pool and my chickens are not too far away. If they were to wonder over by the pool and fell in,,,,can they swim? I have silkies, frizzles, cochin, rir, orpingtons,lakenvelders and a few others. Some standard, some bantam. Just wondering if they can swim or not. I have rocks around swim ledge where they could actually touch the bottom if they fell in around a specific spot but if they fall in the deep,,don't know what will happen. Please advise. Thanks, Julie
I think someone on here a while back said that one of her silkies fell in her small pond and drowned and I don't think it was very deep. I would put up that netting you get when you don't want your kids falling in the pool.
I will have to disagree... years ago... on a different flock I that age of meaness...5 and 7...would throw some of my chickens in the creek for absolute meaness and they DID swim. Thank goodness. That flock is long gone now, and thankfully the boys have grown out of that stage of..."Let's see if a chicken can swim"
They were rowdy's at that age.
I think a creek is different than a pool. They don't have paddles on their feet and can't tread water. I'd definitely put something around the pool. And OVER it if you can't/don't clip their wings!
Maybe I should say...they were full grown chickens...but that is the gospel truth, they did swim. They were probably so scared they were more like walking on water than swimming.However I would agree with wegotchickens. A pool is a whole lot differerent.
Sure they can swim, like a brick!
I'd make sure that they can't get near it...I even close the toilet lid when I'm not home and the girls are in the house.
Obelisk flew over the fence into a neigbhour's pool, but she was moving fast enough that she sort of scooted along the surface.

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