Can soft paws be used on waterfowl?


12 Years
Feb 25, 2011
One of my rouens and two geese claw the dickens out of us. They love being cuddled, but when climbing into a person's lap, walking over legs or hands, or being picked up, these three start kicking and clawing until in their most comfortable position. The other birds don't do this. All of us have had blood drawn by these three, and I really don't want them scarring the kids when they go to snuggle in their laps while sitting on the ground. Can claw covers be used on them? I've seen them used on chickens but never waterfowl.
They flail with their feet because they're uncomfortable and are looking for footing. Ducks and especially geese are heavy and like to have ground under their feet. Try lifting them more comfortably by letting them sit on your arm, or sit down and let them walk up your legs by themselves.
Idk what those are but it helps to trim their nails
They're claw covers. They're silicone covers that are slid onto claws. They're most often used on dogs and cats, but I've also seen them on chickens, bearded lizards, and various other pets.

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