Can this foot be saved?


5 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Mt. Juliet, TN
This rooster cut his toe somehow 8 days ago. I put him in a cage by himself and have been alternating vetricyn gel and blue spray. The awful looking scab came off 2 days ago and the flesh around it looked pink and healthy. Today it is grayish and I can see ?a tendon. He is such a great, patient, gentle australorp he is definitely worth trying to save. What do you guys think after 8 days treatment. Should I be using something else? I have backed way off on the blue spray because it seemed to hurt him and have been mainly using vetricyn the last 2 days.
The toe looks swollen but not the foot. There isn't an odor.
. He knows when he sees me that I am going to do something to that foot so we play keep away. I hope this pic is better.
Epsom salts warm soaks to his foot once a day may help in healing. Neosporin ointment also may help to heal it until the skin grows back together. I hope he gets along okay.
I just started letting him out of the cage this week. You can still see what looks like a tendon in the wound. I thought maybe he needs to get out and use it to get better blood supply. He acts like he feels ok. I used some Silvadene cream and betadine on him after I stopped using Vetricyn gel. He still has a major hole in his toe, but it may look a bit better since he is scratching around (and back with a couple of hens). Thank you so much for asking. He is my best tempered roo.

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