Can u give chicken pellets to 7 month ducks?


Jul 22, 2023
Hi guys..can I feed my ducks chicken pellets? Their duck pellets is out of stock unfortunately..I'm wondering if it's OK to feed ducks chicken pellets?
Are your ducks laying?
You can but you need to supplement niacin with nutritional yeast, you mix it in about a table spoon for 5 cups of feed.
You get this at the grocery store in the spices or health food area
Are your ducks laying?
You can but you need to supplement niacin with nutritional yeast, you mix it in about a table spoon for 5 cups of feed.
You get this at the grocery store in the spices or health food area
They both are males..Can I use multivitamins instead? I don't know if I can find nutritional yeast
Not really, and if they're both males, they shouldn't eat layer feed bit it will be fine temporarily
It didn't say it's for laying chickens on the package...It says it's for domestic chickens..I guess u can feed it to any kind of chicken..Do u think it's still harmful for my drakes?? And tnx for reply btw.
If it isn't layer maybe it's an all flock feed and that is fine to feed to all poultry. For young birds though they should also have niacin as a supplement so Nutritional yeast can be sprinkled over their feed 1 Tab per cup of feed.
if you can’t get nutritional yeast
you can use niacin capsules that’s are made for humans. but they can NOT be the flushfree or timerelase kind.
Metzer Farms suggests adding human niacin supplements to the ducklings’ water at a rate of 500 mg per 8 gallons of water if little water is being spilled, or 500 mg to 4 gallons of water if about half the duck’s water is being spilled. To do this, simply pull open the powder capsules from niacin supplements and stir the contents into the water. Because niacin is a water soluble vitamin, overdose is not a big concern.

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