Can white ducks breed with mallard ducks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
I have three ducks, two female mallard ducks and one male white duck. I was wandering if they could breed and what their offspring would look like. Anything you have to say helps! Thanks!
They can definitely breed! Your white duck is probably a pekin - they are the most common white all white breed. Crosses can be lots of colors. I've seen a lot of black and white mallard/pekin crosses. I've also seen some that look mostly mallard. Crossbreeds are fun because a lot of times you never know what you're going to get!

Welcome to BYC!

I don't know much about ducks. But Pyxis seems to have given you some great info. You can also post questions about your ducks in our Ducks section for more help, sharing pics and stories about your birds...

Enjoy all your poultry adventures and welcome to our flock!
Thanks so much! I think I'll let the eggs that they lay hatch if I can hide them from my mom! I'm just kidding and thanks for your help!
Welcome to BYC. Most domesticated ducks (other than Muscovies) were derived from the mallard. Not only can they breed, but the offspring will be fertile. I think that a mallard/Pekin cross will result primarily in black ducks with white bibs.

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