Can you Identify these 4 chickens (more pics.)



jersey giant rooster
Pretty sure they are not mutts,
Do try Giants or Black Orps....Leghorns are a good guess on the whites....
Yeah, the white ones aren't leghorns. They are too big to be leghorns and the roo doesn't have the right comb. Plus, the female's comb is way to small to be a leghorn. The color brings to mind the color "red pyle" or something. No idea why though.
The person we got them from told us they were all hens

but I guess the black rooster and hen are jersey giants becasue they look just like the pictures above
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What ever the white and orange rooster is, he is beautiful. I love the rose comb. He is tempting me to get a rose combed roo, but I am already going to have 2 roos for 12 hens. I need to hatch out somemore hens lol.

Anyways I looooove him!!!
he also has the frilly tail like the roosters on the website he isn't pure white. His body is white with a tint of orange. His color is called "red pyle"?
Well, like I said, it looks like an attempt to create a red pyle rosecombed leghorn. It would need red in the hackle (neck feathers) and the saddle feathers (back, right before the tail). But he is gorgeous none the less.

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