Canadian Breeder list

I'm just a backyard breeder but I breed BCMS, Mistral Gris meat chickens, and heritage blue slate turkeys...
I will also incubate other people's eggs if they want.
I'm near Duncan.

Hi from Nanaimo. I believe I purchased eggs from you a couple years back. Your BCM were very nice. I wish I didn't sell the chicks back then as I'm trying to switch to an all BCM flock now. Any chance you have any Roos you're going to get rid of? Mine unfortunately passed away due to botulism with all the rain we had.
There is a small breeder just south of Winnipeg, called Breezy Bird her name is Candice, she has several breeds. She is nice to deal with she sells eggs and chicks and will ship
Hello fellow Canadians!
I'm a month and a half into owning my first 8 hens.
They are a mixed flock of nothing too exciting. 3 BSLs, 1 RSL, 2 Delawares and a couple of "I have no ideas". Let's call them "barnyard mixes" shall we?
Seriously though if you have any idea what these could be let me know.


Anyway I purchased these hens from a kijiji ad because I wanted to try it out for fairly little cost. I was told they are between 1-3 yrs old.
Right now with having just moved in and the cold weather kicking in I only get 1-4 eggs a day and most often just 2 eggs a day out of 8 birds.

So my questions are:
If I don't think production will pick up in the spring should I cull them all for meat in the spring and start over with some new young Ready to lay birds?
My favorite of my BLSs lays a giant egg every day or other day. Could I cull the rest and keep one or two of my favourites and still get new birds in the spring or should I start over fresh with a totally new flock?

And lastly I would love to know some breeders in the Guelph, Fergus, Orangeville Ontario area with nice Healthy heritage breeds.
I'm interested in finding some nice Speckled Sussex, Plymouth Rocks, Wayonettes and maybe even some Easter Eggers.

All the best to all of you.

Coop n scoop not sure what breed those are most likely mutts by the looks of them. As for culling the flock if you are not happy with production and the the birds could be 3 years old they are likely at the end of there production. If you have the space to keep them and they are like pets then keep them, if not and you feel they would could make soup that's fine too.

I am from the Hamilton area and have tried to find breeders in the area for awhile now only finding very few options. The closest I have found is in Tiny ont it's near Midland called Bulbs of Fire. He has a few breeds Black Copper Marans, cuckoo malines, bielefelder , and an olive egger. There is also a couple of breeders in eastern Ontario Skara Brae and performance poultry. Hope this helps
Coop n scoop not sure what breed those are most likely mutts by the looks of them. As for culling the flock if you are not happy with production and the the birds could be 3 years old they are likely at the end of there production. If you have the space to keep them and they are like pets then keep them, if not and you feel they would could make soup that's fine too.

I am from the Hamilton area and have tried to find breeders in the area for awhile now only finding very few options. The closest I have found is in Tiny ont it's near Midland called Bulbs of Fire. He has a few breeds Black Copper Marans, cuckoo malines, bielefelder , and an olive egger. There is also a couple of breeders in eastern Ontario Skara Brae and performance poultry. Hope this helps

Yeah kinda what I figured they were mutts, but I kinda like that about them so I might keep them and the alpha RSL with the evil eye who has been consistently laying giant eggs every day and a half in average. I think the two mutts are the youngest of the bunch or they just finished a molt before I got them because they are having lots of new layer issues. Like long eggs, broken shell on the way out, sandpaper shell. Some normal also but several oddities between the two.

A friend recently told me that there are lots of farmers markets where you can meet local farmers and the like and pick up anything from fertilized eggs to full grown table birds and everything in between.
Might be a good thing to look into for the spring in your area. When I get the name of the specific market he mentioned I will pass it along.
I wonder also if there is any point in asking folks at your local fall fairs that put birds into the contests and exhibits? Probably not harm I suppose.

I really, really want a Speckled Sussex and Plymoth Rock flock next time around. That is my wish list. Not so hard right?

Yeah kinda what I figured they were mutts, but I kinda like that about them so I might keep them and the alpha RSL with the evil eye who has been consistently laying giant eggs every day and a half in average. I think the two mutts are the youngest of the bunch or they just finished a molt before I got them because they are having lots of new layer issues. Like long eggs, broken shell on the way out, sandpaper shell. Some normal also but several oddities between the two.

A friend recently told me that there are lots of farmers markets where you can meet local farmers and the like and pick up anything from fertilized eggs to full grown table birds and everything in between.
Might be a good thing to look into for the spring in your area. When I get the name of the specific market he mentioned I will pass it along.
I wonder also if there is any point in asking folks at your local fall fairs that put birds into the contests and exhibits? Probably not harm I suppose.

I really, really want a Speckled Sussex and Plymoth Rock flock next time around. That is my wish list. Not so hard right?


I was talking to a friend today he told me about a Plymouth Rock breeder in St Thomas called percision plymouth rocks. He said they have a wide range of colours and a strong breeding program
I will be looking for my first chickens in the spring. We've settled on Wyandottes after reading about the breeds, but have had little success finding breeders as we want to buy pullets not chicks.
I'm in eastern Ontario and don't mind driving to find them if anyone knows of a good farm.
I am looking for Polish chickens somewhere in the Canadian maritimes. Does anyone know if there is such a breeder?

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