Canadians check in here....

I read one of the egg swap trains last night about 46 pages and love it! I'd love to participate when we have pure eggs though DH will probably kill me.
I believe it is the same as day olds and would require NPIP accreditation for the breeder import to Canada to get the health papers.
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Hi! Whereabouts in England are you from? My family hails from Harlow, Essex and Stansted Mountfitchet. I was raised in my early years in England until about 6 or 7 when my brother was born. We back at 13 and again at 16 but haven't been able to make it back home since.

I plan to one day move permanently to England, I have my citizenship and would love to take grad school there.
I am from East Yorkshire mostly (20 miles east of Hull, a hamlet called Skeffling). I have lived all over England with Uxbridge and Norwich being the closest to Essex. I have a messed up English accent so peopl ask me if I am Australian or south African or Irish!. I don't sound Yortsher unless I am saying words I learned when I was 2, or I have had a few drinks
or been back on holiday! We have friends from Basildon that emigrated about when we did in 1989 but we didn't meet til about 10 years ago, they have Dales Ponies and chickens too. They were going to go back 3 years ago, but the high cost of land and general crowding and congestion changed their minds, after selling their first farm here. I think it is the dream of a lot of English people to have land!

You might qualify for a Commonwealth Scholarship for the grad school thing. I was going to go back and do a Masters in plant systematics a (classification of plants-after an ecology degree here) about 6 years after I got here (at 18) and as soon as I got my Canadian citizenship I never went back to live, I was no longer homesick. I wasn't expecting that but am very glad. We go back every year or two to visit family. It's Lupin farm right? Great to meet you. I'm sure we'll meet in person at some point as I travel a lot, 40,000km a year for me, same for poor DH!
I just noticed in your signature line that you say you have mille fleur and lavender d'uccles and are looking for porcelain? Is that right? Did you know you can 'make' porcelain by breeding your mille fleurs to your lavenders?
I didn't know that.....thanks for telling me, that's awesome! I wondered what would happen there. I assumed the self blue would just disappear completely. I just got an awesome little Millie roo. I can put Violet my tiny self blue girl with him! I just got an egg from her yesterday! She's already in quarantine for managing to find and "talk to" a new SGD roolet I got a few weeks back. Now they are all out of reach of everyone else! I just added that to my signature line.......Thanks again Shelley!

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