Canaries breeding? and prices?

Thanks bagendhens!!

Would their maybe be a type of caged bird that's hardy? I know budgies are, since I have them outdoors they are pretty hardy birds.

Budgies outside in NY winters ???????? Mine never would have made it in ohio winters.
I WOULD NOT dare put canaries or finches outside during the winter. Without adequite heat, you will kill them
$90.00 is a good price, if they are not culls, or older breeders, I use to raise the Red Factors and have paid more than that for just a male!
As far as when to breed, now is the time. I have four babies right now that have just fledged. Mama in that cage is now on her second nest. My other pair had three eggs that didn't hatch and have just laid two eggs on their second try. She is still laying so it could be another four eggs. You need to supply special food since the parents and babies need extra protein and when they fledge, you need to keep supplying soft foods since their beaks are soft and can't crack hard shells. This is my first try and I'm thrilled that I have the four babies and more to come.

A canary will start laying within a week of mating, set on them for 14 days before they hatch and the babies will leave the nest in another three weeks. At a month they can be moved to their own quarters.

I hope that helps a little. This is my first time raising canaries and I've been flying blind here but so far, I haven't lost one that's hatched.
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I got lucky and bought my canaries from a friend of friend of a breeder and got 2 pr for $150.I have had them for 4 weeks now and I am totally in love.My males sing all day long on and off and its such a pretty noise.Alot nice than my still don't think 90 a pr is a bad price.

Wow! I didn't think canaries could be kept outdoors through the winter. I might have to get a pair and keep them with my doves.
I really want to get diamond doves to keep with my other Ringneck Doves. I know that the diamond doves are hardy enough to stay outside in the winter.
Thanks for posting that picture!!

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