Cancer Craves?

Totally understand the neck and joint issues..... :hugs Kidneys?
I ended up with Kidney damage too.
I have a whole host of other problems too... But can't say if they are from chemo or not but it is what it is....
Totally understand the neck and joint issues.....
I ended up with Kidney damage too.
I have a whole host of other problems too... But can't say if they are from chemo or not but it is what it is....
there I seem to be good graves attack thyroid first usually noted
with the bulging eye.. they nuked mine not thrilled to do iodine again
but wanted it dead went down to 71 lbs no muscle left within a month of nuking
I started to crash it was dead that is when it went ophthalmic taking all but
a small hole in my left to see out of
Please nothing to be sorry for cancer is a beast attacking at any turn
not caring nor empathy laden just mean uncaring but
we beat it to live on
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It might be helpful to mention which specific Chemo drugs are involved. I had Taxotere and Cisplatin.( both mispelled I'm sure....but's going on like 14 years now...)

Taxotere is derived from the yew bush and never gave me a bit of problems. Cisplatin , however is a heavy metal, and one of the poisons that mess with ya. I only lost a quarter sized patch of hair on the back of my head...but many people go bald. I just tolerated the Chemo very well. I'm not sure whether I ever vomited or not...if so, only once. I was on anti-nasea med and it worked pretty well.

My Chemo doctor asked me one day how I was feeling. I told him I didn't have very much energy. He said:" Doug, I don't think you really grasp the gravity of the situation. We give you just a hair less of that sh*t than it takes to kill you."

I said: " Hey doc, I'm not complaining, you asked me how I felt and I told you."

Everyone is different and how they respond is too. Personally, I wished I could have kept working more than I did...not because of an inability to work, but because the builder I worked for jerked me around and wasn't telling me the truth and was giving my work to someone else. I would have been unable to work for only a short few days otherwise.

I did 8 sessions over a couple of months.
Mama, I'd look into the other meds you're taking. The increased appetite, including craving sweets, sounds like they've got you on steroids. Prednisone, medrol, decadron, something like that. They're a common cocktail given with chemo and do wonderful things....but they spike your appetite, among other things.

I know it's been several days since you've posted this. I hope you've been able to talk to a dietitian or your doctor about this in the mean time.
Hope you continue on the path of recovery and getting your life back!
Food that I wanted to eat or drink was: Ravioli Big Stuffed, Boost Pineapple, 7-Up and saltines.
Have to eat for the immune system to work as best it can.
Sorry missed your post. Thank you. I too struggle at times with food tasting like nothing or weird. I didn't know about the Boost. I think it would help. How do I find out about it or who would supply it at no cost? It might have my cravings and help me to eat better.

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