Candling Brown or colored eggs.


16 Years
Jan 11, 2007
What should I see if I candle a brown or green egg? Will those colors obscure any veins at day 7? Or should I wait a day or two? This is my first time incubating. Just a bit nervous. By the way, they are Silver Laced Wyandottes and Ameraucanas.

My eggs are dark brown(Dominique & RiR) and I find it hard to see much until about 8 days. Can't see veins or any internals , but growing embreos are really dark for after 8-10 days. Good luck on hatching..
My green eggs are hard to candle. I think I had to wait until day 10 before I could see shadowing. Do you have a candler? I just use a mini-mag light and turn off the room lights.

Hi Stephanie, yes, I made a candler and will try to see inside a few eggs later today.
Half were shipped (Wyandottes) and the other half (Ameraucanas) I picked up locally.


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Holy Cow! It works! I actually saw movement! I didn't candle a lot them. Just about 6 or so. I definately saw movement in two and some veins in one. It is kinda tough to see. Some easier than others. But so far it looks like the Ameraucanas are doing fine. I have my fingers crossed on the Silver Laced Wyandottes. It's going to be tough waiting out the rest of the days.
All my eggs are a light tannish brown, and I could hardly see didly out of them.

But-what is it? Day ten, now? I SHOULD be able to see /something/ by now, right?

-wants to candle--
Yep, you should be able to see something very veiny inside. Maybe your light isn't bright enough. A small maglite flashlight held to the egg in a dark room works very well.

I will be candling 47 eggs in four or five days and among those are 6 olive green Ameraucana eggs. Sure hope I can see something!
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