Cannot Post in Album


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
As of last week I am now able to post pictures in my posts the regular way. Thanks Guys for all the hard work!!!! :woot

I decided to work on my albums.

I did post two new pictures in my album and after that it went kaput!

I have been erasing some older pictures because I have quite a few I no longer want in the default albulm. But it does take quite a while.

I was wondering:

1)Is there a limit to the number of pictures allowed?

2)I uploaded a few new pics on posts and they are not appearing in my album. I thought they were supposed to.

3)Any ideas as to what is going on?

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I can't answer all of your questions, but you have unlimited photo storage. I see in your album that the last photo was added in 3 days ago. You have added new pictures since then?
This is part of a "bug" as we work on improving the way images are handled in threads. Temporarily images aren't being stored in your albums when they are uploaded, but once things are fixed you'll be able to access them all.
I can't answer all of your questions, but you have unlimited photo storage.  I see in your album that the last photo was added in 3 days ago.  You have added new pictures since then?

Yes I have tried to add more photos to my album and it hasn't worked. I still need to delete a lot of pictures ~ my computer is just slow so I only do about 5 a day.

And yes I have uploaded some pictures too that don't appear in the album,,yet,,Thanks Nifty for answerring that one! :D
I have been uploading pics to the threads for weeks that show up fine on the thread, but never appear in the default album like they used to.
I have been uploading pics to the threads for weeks that show up fine on the thread, but never appear in the default album like they used to.

Well I am not the only one then. I guess the computer geeks..... o um ...I mean computer wizards are working on this as we speak and it will be debugged someday. :D Hopefully sooner than later. ;)

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