can't figure out what's wrong


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 11, 2009
Newbury Park, CA
I have two chicks a few months old. I got them at a feed store. One is limping and can't make any sound. She looks like she is gasping for air. I looked at her all over and her feather shafts looks kind of yellow and pussie. I don't know what is wrong . She was fine last week. I have four grown chickens but these 2 stay in their own coop. I moved the RIR out in case it was contagious. The feed store did not give any vaccines.

I went out and looked at her closely. She is not making any sounds at all and stretching her head out and opening beak as if to try to peep. There are no sores of any kind. Poop looks normal as far as I can tell. She is limping to get around and looks as if she hasn't eaten or drank much. Her feathers looked fluffed up and wet. The shaft looks moist and soggy. She doesn't try to get away from me like she use to. I don't know if she fell off the ramp and injured herself or if it something serious.
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