Solved Can't find my threads

Chicken Girl1

Queen of the Coop
6 Years
Mar 3, 2015
Hello wonderful BYC staff :)!
When I go to my profile page and then go to information it gives me a link that says 'find all threads by Chicken Girl1' I clicked on it but is said no results found. With a little (well more then usual) effort I located one of the threads a started and it seemed fine. What do you think is the matter with the link? I hope that wasn't to confusing.....
  1. Are you on a computer, tablet, phone. Computer
  2. If phone / mobile, which model? If computer, which operating system and version? Not sure
  3. Which browser and version are you using (eg., Chrome 58.0.3029, Firefox 3.5.9, Internet Explorer 8, etc.) Microsoft Edge
  4. Have you deleted your internet cache / browser history of files and tried again? Yes, I've tried multiple times on different days
  5. Have you tried a different browser? Yes
  6. What EXACTLY did you do? Document the steps you took before having the problem. Answered above
(not sure if I needed to fill this out or not)

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