Can't Machine Quilt...Why Does Machine Skip?

Wow pretty awesome

Thanks, we think so. Feels good to have shelves filling up. Hope DH's family doesn't want too many samples to take home with them when they all come Aug 30 for our new annual Labor Day BBQ at our place. I plan to make a few extra quarts of spaghetti sauce. We did it last year because we don't like to participate in the year-end holidays and no one ever comes to our house. This way, we can all get together and they sort of have to come up here, LOL. Geez, it's only an hour and a half for most all of them to get here and we have gone that direction every year. Time for someone to get up here to the mountains, for goodness sake!
Next project is this one, ready to machine quilt as soon as I get the last two border sides sewn on. It measures 31" square. I think I'll do the gosh, what are those squiggles called? Not the swirls but the others. My brain is dead, ack!

I fussy cut the squares from a cool chicken print I got at Hobby Lobby awhile back.

Next project is this one, ready to machine quilt as soon as I get the last two border sides sewn on. It measures 31" square. I think I'll do the gosh, what are those squiggles called? Not the swirls but the others. My brain is dead, ack!

I fussy cut the squares from a cool chicken print I got at Hobby Lobby awhile back.
That is just B e a u t i f u l!! Love the colors and chicken prints!
That is just B e a u t i f u l!! Love the colors and chicken prints!

Thank you, Debbie. I love the print and I have quite a bit left over for another project, maybe less bright oranges, pick up more of that blue in the fabric. I didn't have any that went well with it when I made this.

Here is the fabric itself I cut from. What I love is that it has so many different chickens in different positions.

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Wow impressive
Thanks, Carrie.

Love it! I will check our Hobby Lobby to see if they have any of this fabric. So many possibilities!
I wish I had a Hobby Lobby closer to us. I got the green chicken print in that other table topper/wall hanging at the same time as this one. I can't recall when that was, but it's been a few months at least.
Unfortunately, as soon as I sewed on the last border side, I realized I'd made a huge mistake, necessitating a hour's worth of "un-sewing" and "re-sewing". Even DH with his eagle eye didn't catch it. Do you see it?

Corrected: Original:


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