Careers - advice


Just'a small town girl
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
I am a junior in high school. I have been really thinking about what I should do after high school. I wanted to be a vet for a long time but decided becoming a vet tech would be a better fit for me. The problem is that a vet tech makes significantly less money. Any vet techs out there want to give me input on weather the low pay is worth it and if you struggle financially because of it. I think my parents are worried I may struggle because of it if I choose that path.

Any other careers I should look into? I am an outgoing girl who loves to work with people,but animals are truly my passion. I need them in my life and want to positively impact both people and animals in my life.

I have also looked into psychology but again I really want to be involved with animals.

Thank you for any advice! It is appreciated!
Girl, get yourself to the library!! THe libarian should be able to ehlp you find books on pay rates for different kinds of jobs-- maybe interlibarary loan.

I was a vet tech and I could not live on the wages = I could not pay half the expenses when DH and I were starting out.

Look it it this way. In general, the more expensive your education , the better your pay. Now having said this, not every job fits neatly into this profile. SOme job pay little despite the education; others like engineers can be paid fairly well for a 4 year college education.

A two year full time course to be come a vet tech is well worth it. THere is too much to know just walking in off the street an expecting to be a vet tech.

Do you have a guidence councelor to help you??

Pick a job that you can enjoy and live with. My DH LOVES his job but doesn't get well paid; his brother a photographer also loves his work and his wife in the high tech industy makes oodles more ( she loves what she does) and another BIL makes BIG bucks as an engineer but doesn't love the work. Dedicated and a hard worker but never talks about his work.

If you love what you do, you will never feeling like you are working. Well almost. Every job has it's ups and downs.

I dont' know much about girls scouts as I have boys. But the merit badge system is meant to introduce different jobs and help boys find their passion. HOnestly there are the online worksheets and I bet if you read thru the questions and found yourself saying- I would like to know the answer to that . . . you might find a direction. is where you will find them. Takes a little digging but the "worksheets" are there. ANd then go find the workbooks and see if it holds your interest.

Just because the program was writtten for boys, DONT let that turn you off. I'm a girl and do many projects with my boys; and my youngest has a women as a leader of his den.

Vet med

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