Caring for eye injury


7 Years
Apr 12, 2017
Atlanta, GA
My Coop
My Coop
Every season my drakes decide to pick favorites and go after a select few of my ducks. I have 2 boys to 14 girls, yet I end up with many bare necks. A few days ago I noticed one of my ducks had her eye sort of sunken in, and the area around her eye was wet.

I am hesitant to separate them, because they are all free range and it stresses them out a lot when I put just a few of them into an enclosure.

She's acting fine, although she is showing signs of discomfort in that eye. I am guessing the cause of the injury is that a drake must have pulled on her eyelid or grabbed her eye while mating. Could there be some other cause?

What can I do to help her recuperate as quickly as possible? I'll try to get a picture up today.
This is a perfect example of why you can't always go off of the book with ducks. Your male/s are obviously being to rough on them, sounds like you either need to get rid of both, or at least one or this is just going to keep reoccurring.

Flush the eye with a little bit of homemade saline, and gently wipe off any gunk around the eye afterwards with a moist towel, then apply either Terramycin Eye ointment, or Vetericyn ophthalmic gel to the eye, repeat as needed.
Thanks for the advice; I didn't get any notifications however! I ended up just washing her eyes with saline wash and she is doing fine now.

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