Cayuags flew:UPDATE


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Over my house and landed in my backyard!!!

I didn't think they were suppose to fly?? I will have to get rid of them if they continue this...
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Something's fishy here. Where did you get your "Cayugas" from?

My Cayugas are lucky to get an inch or two off the ground RUNNING, FULL SPEED, DOWNHILL, to the pond. LOL I agree, I think you may have East Indies...

Ok here are the pictures: This is a mystery.

these were taken about 2 weeks ago when their tail feathers appeared. so they were about 4 months old here.


this one was taken about two months ago
They look like mine at that age...are you sure you werent seeing things? This is weird maybe you should hold them in a picture so i can get a size comparison
yeah my heart dropped when they took off. I've been noticing that everyday they fly better and better. They've realized that they can fly so when they have the option to fly or walk a long distance, um they fly. The other day they were probably 100-120 feet from me (downhill) and I poured fresh feed in their bowl and they here they came. Uphill, airborne.

Today really freaked me out though. I just stood there like I had seen a ghost.
Now that i look at them in the pool, they look a bit smaller than regular cayugas. Heck, just today i picked one of mine up and when i let it go i kind of threw it up a bit , it flapped its wings fell on the ground and did a face plant....yep, mine dont fly
Keep in mind, that picture was taking back in early July. They were around 12 weeks old there.

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