CBBQ Housing question...


9 Years
Mar 30, 2010
Okmulgee Co, Oklahoma
First, yes I read the stickies

I understand these are kept as a pair only, inside ground bird. That being said...can they live or has anybody tried a multilevel/tiered housing? Kind like they would use for hamsters or gerbils? Also, are they like bob's in fact that more than one female to cock is a very bad idea? What are space requirements for these little dudes? Still 1 sq ft per?

Please let me know all about housing and photos are great..I'm a visual person. Any additional info that you believe might be helpful is good too. Figured that now that my family has the quail bug...we would look into these as well.

Thanks in advance!

Most of my cages are made by Jodi and Bruce McDonald at Brackenridge ranch. I am once again on my phone but if you google it the cages pop up

Trios, quads, colonies, big no no. I do have a bachelor pad but the bachelors are not bachelors for long. I will edit as soon as I get back from tending the birds. I really shouldn't take my phone with me to work
An Enabler helping an Enabler Lov'in it! (Hopefully thats not a fatal gene!
) Thanks!

I wont tell your wife if you don't tell my hubby!

Good one!

I hope it's not a fatal gene too!

The Button are a lot of fun! A little skittish, but not too bad.

I'm just getting ready to pair mine up this weekend. Had the lone female and got here a mate, not the quarantine time is up.

I'm thinking of going with a set up like Shelley has and maybe in a year or so go with cages like Quaillady. I like wire cages for air circulation. and maybe find a way to use like Shelley did for a brooder.

I'm going shopping in a bit to see what ideas I can come up with.

Shelley, if your reading,
Where do you find the white board to make trays?

ETA: Never mind Shelley, I found it in your supplies list.
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Our neighbors were cleaning house and gave us a ton of cages...some brand new...(I think they used to be small animal hoarders!)

But a couple of the cages are nice wire multi-leveled, made us think CBBQ. I believe they were made for gerbils or hamsters. They have a big base for the ground floor and then two levels above that with ramps to each level. nice and airy. I haven't measured but the base is probably 1' x 2' and at least 3' tall (1' per each of the 3 levels).

I like the multi- cages ShellyD and Quail lady has...but didn't know if the quail would actually use a multilevel cage or would they just spend all the time on the ground floor. we would actually keep these in the house for our DS (3.5 yo) to watch, not so much for a breeding program (Yet

I don't know if they would or not. The don't perch, so I wouldn't think they'd use the ladders to get to the next level.
They strike me as a slightly nervous ground bird and the ladder would put them up and open to predators.

I'll be anxious to hear what others have to say!

If not, maybe you could modify it and put a tray like shelley made with the foam board and make it a duplex. :) and have 2 pair!

Haven't you heard they're just like Pringels! You can't have just 1 !
i used a a cage i had for my rats for a pair fo my birds that had a shelf in it OMG they LOVE it so another cage that wasnt a glass aquarium i added a shelf and THAT pair ADORED the shelf and i mean adore it they are ALWAYS on it sleeping,even building nests and laying eggs on it so yes they actually do enjoy shelves in there cage from my exsperience
also in a guinea pig cage i have it has a ramp and they are always climbing it up and down up and down up and down. they deff enjoy ramps also
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